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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 韩孟奇 主编
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
丛编项: 科技英语系列教材
标 签: 翻译


ISBN: 9787313055590 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 222 字数:  






Unit I Life Science
  Text A Human Cloning
  Text B Are We 10 Years Away from Artificial Life?
  Unit 2 Biological Engineering
  Text A How Stem Cells Work?
  Text B Taking Your Genes in Hand
  Unit 3 New Energy
  TextA Ethanol, Schmethanol
  Text B The Coming Wave
  Unit 4 Transportation
  Text A Intelligent Highways
  Text B Making Waves
  Unit 5 New Facilities
  Text A Facial Recognition Systems
  Text B GPS——the Most Precise Navigation System Ever Invented
  Unit 6 Telecommunication
  Text A Video Conferencing Cell Phones
  Text B You Are Your Cell Phone
  Unit 7 Space
  Text A Starship Enterprise: the Next Generation
  Text B Phoenix to Go Digging on Red Planet
  Unit 8 Health and Medicine
  Text A Telemedicine Comes Home
  Text B Would a "Fat Tax" Save Lives?
  Unit 9 Internet
  Text A The Internet Is Sick... But We Can Make It Better
  Text B Watching While You Surf
  Unit 10 VR Technology
  Text A The Military Applications of Virtual Reality
  Text B Reality, Only Better
  Unit 11 Robots
  Text A Rise of the Rat-brained Robots
  Text B Nothing to Lose But Their Chains
  Unit 12 Environment
  Text A Future Crops. the Other Greenhouse Effect
  Text B The Methane Mystery
  Unit 13 Animals
  Text A Jellyfish Invasion
  Text B Who Belongs in the Zoo?
  Unit 14 Computer Science
  Text A Software That Makes Software Better
  Text B From Blueprint to Database
  Unit 15 Automobile
  Text A How Hydrogen-Boosted Gasoline Engine Works?
  Text B The Car Doctor Is In
