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作 者: 胡韩慧 主编
出版社: 武汉理工大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787562929734 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 190 字数:  






Chapter 1 Basic English Writing Skills
1.1 Using Words
1.1.1 Words and Phrases
1.1.2 Synonym
1.1.3 Using Accurate Words
1.1.4 Easily Confused Words
1.1.5 Use Specific and Concrete Words
1.2 Make Sentences
1.2.1 Sentence Structures
1.2.2 Types of Sentences
1.2.3 Using Proper Conjunctions
1.2.4 Use Modifies Properly
1.2.5 Agreement with Personal,Number and Tense
1.2.6 HOW to Make Good Sentences
1.3 Expanding Sentences
1.3.1 Expanding Basic Sentences
1.3.2 Expanding Sentences by Phrases
1.3.3 Expanding Sentences by Clauses
1.4 Writing Paragraphs
1.4.1 Basic Structure of an Effective Paragraph
1.4.2 Skills of Developing Paragraphs
1.5 Figures of Speech
1.5.1 Simile
1.5.2 Metaphor
1.5.3 Personification
1.5.4 Hyperbole
1.5.5 Parallelism
Chapter 2 Letters of Introduction
2.1 Contents of Letters of Introduction
2.2 Types of Letters of Introduction
2.3 Steps of Letters of Introduction
2.4 Sample Letters
2.5 Sentences & Phrases for Imitation
Chapter 3 Thank-You Letters
3.1 Contents and Types of Thank-You Letters
3.2 Tips of Writing
3.3 Sample Letters
3.4 Sentences for Imitation
Chapter 4 Letters of Recommendation
4.1 Contents of Letters of Recommendation
4.1.1 Purpose for Writing Letters of Recommendation
4.1.2 Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation
4.2 General Format of Letters of Recommendation
4.2.1 Layout of Letters of Recommendation
4.2.2 Types of Letters of Recommendation
4.3 Sample Letters
4.4 Sentences & Phrases for Imitation
Chapter 5 Letters of Congratulations
5.1 Brief Introduction of Letters of Congratulations
5.1.1 Format of Letters of Congratulations
5.1.2 Tips for Writing
5.1.3 Some Topics of Letters of Congratulations
5.2 Sample Letters
5.3 Sentences & Phrases for Imitation
Chapter 6 Letters of Sympathy
6.1 Contents of Letters of Sympathy
6.1.1 Template of Letters of Sympathy
6.1.2 Types of Letters of Sympathy
6.2 Skills for Writing Letters of Sympathy
6.3 Sample Letters
6.4 Sentences for Imitation
Chapter 7 Recruitment Advertisements
Chapter 8 Job Application Letters & Resumes
Chapter 9 Memos and Notices
Chapter 10 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Chapter 11 Business Letters
Chapter 12 Reports
Chapter 13 Proposals
Chapter 14 Sales and Marketing Letters
Chapter 15 A Guide to CET-4/6 Writing
