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作 者: 王艳萍 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专文秘专业精编教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787302208396 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Unit One Job Interview as a Secretary
1.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Variety of Jobs
Reading Activity 2 Self-assessment in a Job
Reading Activity 3 Job Strategies
1.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
1.3 Writing
A Letter of Application
Unit Two Telephone and E-mail
2.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Difference between Shorthand Typist
and Secretaries
Reading Activity 2 Telephone
Reading Activity 3 Telephone Skill
2.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
2.3 Writing
Telephone Message
Sentence Writing
Unit 2 Answers
Unit Three The Filing System in the Office
3.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Filing System
Reading Activity 2 Three Basic Types of Filing Arrangement
Reading Activity 3 Questions about Your Filing System
3.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
3.3 Writing
Sentence Writing
Unit 3 Answers
Unit Four Message Pads, Memos and Notices
4.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Message Pads
Reading Activity 2 Memos
Reading Activity 3 Notices
4.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
4.3 Writing
Sentence Writing
Unit 4 Answers
Unit Five Letter Processing
5.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Kinds of letters and Parts
Reading Activity 2 A Letter of Inquiry
5.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
5.3 Writing
A Letter of Establishing Business Relations
Sentence Writing
Unit 5 Answers
Unit Six Dealing with Office Emergency
6.1 Reading
Reading Activity i Main Functions of Office Management
Reading Activity 2 Handling Emergencies
Reading Activity 3 Receipt
6.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
6.3 Writing
Business Contract
Sentence Writing
Unit 6 Answers
Unit Seven Reception in the Office
7.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Responsibility
Reading Activity 2 Mary is a Secretary in an Advertising Company
Reading Activity 3 Three Main Terms of Payment
7.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
7.3 Writing
Terms of Payment
Sentence Writing
Unit 7 Answers
Unit Eight Travel Arrangement
8.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Make a Detailed Itinerary
Reading Activity 2 Airline Ticket and Visa
Reading Activity 3 Entry Card/Exit Card
8.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
8.3 Writing
Letters of Appointment
Letters of Invitation
Sentence Writing
Unit 8 Answers
Unit Nine Post Office and Bank
9.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Post Office
Reading Activity 2 Bank
Reading Activity 3 Credit Card
9.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
9.3 Writing
Letters of Complaint and Its Reply
Letters of Resignation
Sentence Writing
Unit 9 Answers
Unit Ten At the Restaurant
10.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Food & Beverage Industry
Reading Activity 2 Invite a Foreigner for Dinner
Reading Activity 3 Table Manners of a Western Meal
10.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
10.3 Writing
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Ifitroduction
Sentence Writing
Unit 10 Answers
Unit Eleven Preparing a Meeting
11.1 Reading
Reading Activity 1 Preparing a Meeting Can Test the Working
Ability of a Secretary
Reading Activity 2 Meeting Agenda
Reading Activity 3 Meeting Minutes
11.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
11.3 Writing
Thank-you Letter
Congratulation Letter
Sentence Writing
Unit 11 Answers
Unit Twelve Business Documents
12.1 Reading
Reading Activity Business Documents
12.2 Speaking
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
12.3 Writing
Apology Letter
Letters of Sympathy
Unit 12 Answers
