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定 价:¥12.00

作 者: 蔡世文 主编
出版社: 武汉理工大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787562929741 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 99 字数:  






Unit 1 Basic Writing
Part Ⅰ Sentence Patterns
Part Ⅱ Types of Sentences
Part Ⅲ Writing Practice
Unit 2 Resume
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words,Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 3 Job Application Letter
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words,Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 4 Fax and E-mail
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 5 Announcement, Notice and Poster
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 6 Invitation and Reply
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 7 Thank-you Letter
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 8 Congratulation and Wish
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 9 Different Speeches
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 10 Business Report
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 11 Contract and Agreement
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 12 Meeting Document
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 13 Memorandum
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
Unit 14 Appointment and Reservation
Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction
Part Ⅱ Samples
Part Ⅲ Useful Words, Phrases and Sentences
Part Ⅳ Writing Features and Techniques
Part Ⅴ Writing Practice
