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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 常俊跃,夏洋,赵永青 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪英语专业系列教材
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787301157138 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Unit 1 The Age of Exploration / 1
Text A Early Exploration and Settlements / 2
Text B Columbuss Discovery of America / 3
Text C Spanish Discovery of the New World / 7
Text D The Legacy of the Puritans / 9
Text E The Thanksgiging Story / 10
Unit 2 The Colonial America / 14
Text A The Original 13 Colonies / 15
Text B Colonial Life of the Early Settlers / 21
Text C Slavery in Colonial America / 23
Unit 3 The Road to Independence / 27
Text A The War of Independence / 28
Text B The American Revolution / 33
Text C Causes of the American Revolution / 34
Unit 4 The Young Republic / 39
Text A The Creation of a National Government / 40
Text B Benjamin Franklin / 45
Text C The Essence of the Constitution / 47
Unit 5 The Westward Movement / 52
Text A The Frontier of the American West / 53
Text B The Donner Party / 59
Text C Louisiana Purchase / 60
Unit 6 The Civil War / 64
Text A Causes of the Civil War / 65
Text B The Gettysburg Address / 70
Text C Eye Witness Accounts of the Assassination / 71
Text D Cost of the War / 72
Unit 7 Reconstruction (1865 1877) / 77
Text A Reconstruction after the Civil War / 78
Text B Education after the Civil War / 83
TextC TheKuKluxKlan/ 83
Text D A Shattered Fairy Tale / 84
Unit 8 The Gilded Age (1877——1917) / 88
Text A The Gilded Age / 89
Text B Industrialization / 94
Text C The Gilded Age Society / 95
Unit 9 America in World War I (1914——1918) / 100
Text A TheU. S.A. and World War I / 101
Text B Wilsons Declaration of Neutrality / 108
Text C U.S. Entry into World War I / 109
Unit 10 The Roaring Twenties / 113
Text A The Roaring Twenties / 114
Text B Formation of Modern American Mass Culture / 118
Text C The Lost Generation / 120
Unit 11 The Great Depression / 125
Text A The Great Depression in America / 126
Text B The Great Depression / 131
Text C Iowa in the 1920s and the 1930s / 132
Text D Franklin D. Roosevelt / 134
Unit 12 America in World War II / 136
Text A World War II / 137
Text B The Origins of World War II / 142
Text C War in Europe / 145
Text D War in the Pacific / 145
Text E American Domestic Situation During World War II / 146
Unit 13 Postwar American Society / 151
Text A American Society in the 1950s / 152
Text B The Postwar Economy. 1945——1960 / 157
Text C Desegregation / 159
Unit 14 America in Transition / 164
Text A America in the 1960s / 166
Text B America in the 1970s / 167
Text C The Cuban Missile Crisis / 171
Text D The Space Race / 173
Unit 15 Toward a New Century / 177
Text A America Entering a New Century / 178
Text B U.S.-Soviet Relations / 182
Text C The Gulf War / 183
Text D No Ordinary Day / 184
Appendix 1 States, Their Entry into Union & Their Settlement / 190
Appendix 2 Presidents & Vice Presidents of the U.S. / 192
Appendix 3 U.S. History Timeline / 195
Appendix 4 Keys to the Exercises / 208
重点参考书目和网站/ 216
