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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 张明爱 主编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787562825999 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 250 字数:  






Part 1 The United Kingdom
Chapter 1 A General View
Ⅰ Climate of the UK
Ⅱ England
Ⅲ Scotland
Ⅳ Wales
Ⅴ Northern Ireland
Ⅵ The Commonwealth of Nations
Chapter 2 Early British History
Ⅰ Early Settlers
Ⅱ Roman Britain
Ⅲ The Anglo-Saxons (446-871)
Ⅳ The Norman Conquest (1066)
Ⅴ Norman Rule (1066-1381)
Ⅵ The Great Charter and the Beginning of the Parliament
Ⅶ The Hundred Years War with France (1337-1453)
Ⅷ The Black Death (1348-1349)
Ⅸ The War of the Roses (1455-1485)
Ⅹ The English Reformation
Ⅺ James I (1603-1625) and the Parliament
Ⅻ Charles I (1625-1649) and English Civil War
* The Restoration
* The Glorious Revolution of 1688
Chapter 3 The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830)
Chapter 4 Colonial Expansion
Ⅰ The Seven Years War
Ⅱ The Growth of Dominions
Ⅲ The Conquest of India
Ⅳ The Colonization in South Africa
Ⅴ Aggression Against China
Ⅵ Britain and the First World War (1914-1918)
Ⅶ Britain and the Second World War
Ⅷ Decolonization and Decline (1945-1997)
Chapter 5 The Government of the United Kingdom
Ⅰ The Monarchy
Ⅱ The Parliament
Ⅲ The Cabinet and Privy Council
Ⅳ The Constitution
Ⅴ Government Departments
Ⅵ British Political Parties
Chapter 6 Culture
Ⅰ Primary Education
Ⅱ Secondary Education
Ⅲ Higher Education
Ⅳ Festivals and Public Holidays
Ⅴ Religion in Britain
Ⅵ British Literature
Part 2 The United States of America
Chapter 1 A General Survey
Ⅰ Location and Size
Ⅱ Geography
Ⅲ Climate
Ⅳ American Geographical Regions
Chapter 2 History
Ⅰ The Colonization of the New World
Ⅱ The War of Independence
Ⅳ The War of 1812
Ⅳ Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement
Ⅴ The Civil War
Ⅵ World War Ⅰ and the United States
World War Ⅱ and the United States
Chapter 3 The Government of USA
Ⅰ Legislative Branch
Ⅱ President
Ⅲ Judicial Branch
Ⅳ Elections and Voting
Ⅴ Cold War and Civil Rights
Ⅵ Political Parties
Chapter 4 American Culture
Ⅰ Race & Ethnicity
Ⅱ Religion
Ⅲ Education
Ⅳ Holidays
Ⅴ Literature
Part 3 Canads
Chapter 1 A General View
Ⅰ Geography
Ⅱ Provinces and Territories
Ⅲ Climate
Ⅳ Demographics
Chapter 2 The History of Canada
Chapter 3 The Government of Canada
Chapter 4 Canadian Culture
Ⅰ Education
Ⅱ religion
Ⅲ Festivals and Holidays
Part 4 Australia
Chapter 1 A General Survey
Ⅰ Geography
Ⅱ Political Regions
Ⅲ Climate
Ⅳ Demography
Chapter 2 Australian History
Chapter 3 The Government of Australia
Chapter 4 Australian Culture
Ⅰ Education
Ⅱ Religion
Ⅲ Festivals and Holidays
Chapter 5 Plants and Animals
Part 5 New Zesland
Chapter 1 A General Survey
Ⅰ Geography
Ⅱ Climate
Chapter 2 History
Chapter 3 The Government of New zealand
Chapter 4 Culture
Ⅰ Education
Ⅱ Religion
Ⅲ Festivals and Holidays
Chapter 5 Plants and Animals
第一部分 英国
第二部分 美国
第三部分 加拿大
第四部分 澳大利亚
第五部分 新西兰
