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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理商务实务优势!商务谈判英语口语50主题



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: (美)格兰戴尔 著,巨小卫 译
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 英国国际人
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787119059273 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 201 字数:  






Section 1第一部分 Negotiation Skills and Principles谈判的技巧和原则
 Five Key Steps in Principled Negotiation谈判的五个关键步骤
 1 Separate the people from the problem将人和事区分开来
  2 Focus on the interests behind the positions关注立场背后的利益
  3 Invent options for mutual gain创造双赢的选择
  4 Use independent standards使用独立的标准
 5 Consider best alternative if negotiation doesn’t reach agreement无望达成协议时考虑最佳备选方案
 Four Negotiation Skills to Master谈判的四个重要技巧
 6 Don’t negotiate against yourself别为难自己
  7 Offering a choice给对方提供选择
  8 Never prove the other person wrong不要试图证明别人的错误
  9 Don’t give a concession away without receiving one in return没有回馈就不要做出让步
  10 Establishing limits before you start your negotiation谈判开始前设好限制条件
 Most Common Mistakes in Negotiation--How to Avoid Them谈判中的常见错误及防范策略
  11 Beginning your negotiation too soon过早开始谈判
  12 Not negotiating with the right person没有找对谈判对象
  13 Not being flexible on a position--locking on固执己见,不会变通
  14 Feeling helpless or powerless感到无助或无能为力
  15 Worrying about losing control of the negotiation担心丧失主动权
  16 Forgetting your goals or loosing track of getting to them遗忘目标或偏离方向
  17 Toomuchworrying aboutthe otherparty’Sfeelings orgoals过多考虑对方的感受和目的
  18 Mind going blank--brain freeze大脑一片空白
  19 Falling for physical manipulations受物质因素干扰
 20 Losing sight of closing the deal忽略了收尾
Section 2第二部分 Trade Negotiation贸易谈判
 Building Relationships of Trust建立信任关系
 21 Greeting(meeting and receiving)问候(会面和迎接)
  22 Introductions介绍
  23 Conventions集会
  24 Small talk--breaking the ice聊天——打破陌生
  25 Finding out more--how to let the other party know you’re interested了解更深——让别人知道你感兴趣
 26 Starting inquiry negotiation开始询盘
  27 Agreement on price价格协议
  28 Discussing transportation issues and shipping options讨论运输和货运
  29 Discussing payment options讨论支付选择
  30 Checking on shipment status核实货运状态
 Sealing the Deal成交
  31 Making concessions作出让步
  32 Discussing the bottom line讨论底线
 33 Accepting and confirming the terms接受并确认条件
  34 Closing the deal成交
 35 Quality control issues质量监控事宜
Section 3第三部分 Investment Negotiation投资谈判
 36 Finding a partner寻找合伙人
  37 Showing interest表示有兴趣
 38 Discussing terms谈条件
  39 Establishing a foreign office设立驻外办事处
 Real Estate房地产
  40 Getting started开始
  41 Property evaluation and selection房产评估和筛选
  42 Making an offer出价
 43 Closingthe deal成交
 Stock Market股市
 44 Buying/Selling Stocks买卖股票
  45 Short Selling卖空
 46 International Markets国际市场
 Other Negotiation Topics其他谈判
  47 Technology Transfer技术转让谈判
 48 Copyright and Patents版权和专利谈判
 49 Employment Negotiation雇用谈判
  50 Negotiating Salary and Benefits工资和福利判断
