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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语英文影视赏析(第二版)



定 价:¥28.80

作 者: 赵英男 编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 高校英语选修课系列教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787302211204 出版时间: 2009-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 268 字数:  


  《英文影视赏析(第2版)》是在2005年出版的同名书第一版的基础上,根据几年来各用户院校师生提出的改进建议及影视素材的丰富和发展,精心修订而成。与第一版相比,除了更换了全书30%以上的单元影片主题之外,每一单元内部的框架结构也作了大量的调整,内容进一步丰富,更加符合全国大多数院校选修课学时的安排,更加方便教师分清主次,有重点地选择教学内容。内容包括对八部优秀原版影片的学习和欣赏,以及相应文化背景知识的学习。每个单元都分为两大部分:Part A围绕本单元的主题影片精心设计了形式丰富的练习和课后研究任务,集视听说、读写译、欣赏于一体,全方位训练学生的英语技能;Part B则为对电影的补充欣赏及有关电影知识的专题介绍。每单元后均附有听力脚本,便于检验或自学。该书听力练习所需的全部视频材料,读者可登录ftp://ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn,免费下载。《英文影视赏析(第2版)》是为非英语专业本科生编写的影视欣赏选修课教程,也可供广大英文电影爱好者及具有相应英语水平的英语学习者选用。




Unit One
PartA Singin in the Rain
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ Rebecca
Section Ⅱ History of Movie
Unit Two
PartA Forrest Gump
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ The Shawshank Redemption
Section Ⅱ Film Genres
Unit Three
Part A The Legend of 1900
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ Mrs. Doubtfire
Section Ⅱ Movie Studios of the States
Unit Four
PartA TheTruman Show
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ BruceAImighty
Section Ⅱ Film Festivals
Unit Five
PartA Notting Hill
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ Roman Holiday
Section Ⅱ The Academy Awards
Unit Six
PartA A.I.:Artificial Intelligence
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ The 13th Floor
Section Ⅱ Walk of Fame
Unit Seven
PartA The Illusionist
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More to Know
Section Ⅰ Tuck Everlasting
Section Ⅱ The Greatest Directors of the 20th Century
Unit Eight
PartA IceAge I
Section Ⅰ Before Watching the Movie
Watch the Movie Now!
Section Ⅱ After Watching the Movie
Part B More.to Know
Section Ⅰ Shrek I
Section Ⅱ Chinese Movie
