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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: 杨翠萍,陈洁倩,蔡莉 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材

ISBN: 9787302198635 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 260 字数:  


  《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:大学商务英语综合教程2(学生用书)》为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,选材涵盖当今国际经济贸易和商务的重要领域,时效性强、典型性高,语言地道。教程板块设计突出国际商务知识的传授与英语技能提高的有机结合,注重培养学生的实际应用能力。每个单元重点讨论、分析一个商务专题,由“导入活动”、“阅读活动”、“商务交流”和“专业扩展”四部分组成。各部分内容的设计和编写坚持了操作性与挑战性并重的原则,以保持学生的学习热情和自觉实践的积极性。其中的“商务交流”板块围绕单元主题,参照各种真实的商务交际情景,为学生设计了灵活多样的商务英语口头与书面交际的任务,是《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:大学商务英语综合教程2(学生用书)》的一大特色。《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:大学商务英语综合教程2(学生用书)》适合大学商务英语专业的学生及BEC(Business English Certificates)等商务英语考试的备考人员使用。




Unit One Business Leadership 1
Lead in
Reading: When Its Time to Think Again
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Two Communication23
Lead in
Reading: Employees Want to Hear It “Straight” from the Bosss Mouth
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Three Teamwork47
Lead in
Reading: Executives Must Pull Together like Rowers in the Boat Race
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Four Customer Service71
Lead in
Reading: Customer Service Champs
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Five Innovations97
Lead in
Reading: Businesses Must Learn to Let Go
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Six Human Resources123
Lead in
Reading: The Search for Talent
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Seven Business Crisis151
Lead in
Reading: Why Good Times Are the Most Dangerous
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Eight Business Ethics175
Lead in
Reading: Integrating Ethics at the Core
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Nine International Trade199
Lead in
Reading: Exports Are Giving the Economy a Surprise Lift
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
Unit Ten Globalization221
Lead in
Reading: Emerging Giants
Business Communication
Relevant Extension
附录1 Glossary247
附录1 Phrases & Expressions257
