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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 王虹,耿伟 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 外贸英语


ISBN: 9787302199847 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 231 字数:  






Chapter One Business Letters(商务信函) 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Writing Guide 2
1.2.1 The Essentials of Business Letter Writing 2
1.2.2 The Structure of Business Letters 3
1.2.3 The Formats of a Business Letter 11
1.2.4 The Format of Envelopes 15
1.3 Letters for Example 17
1.3.1 Letter One 17
1.3.2 Letter Two 18
1.3.3 Letter Three 19
1.3.4 Letter Four 20
1.4 Words and Phrases 22
1.5 Notes 23
1.6 Useful Expressions 27
1.7 Exercises 28
Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations(建立业务关系) 30
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Writing Guide 31
2.3 Letters for Example 32
2.3.1 An Introduction of an Exporter 32
2.3.2 A Positive Reply from an Importer 34
2.3.3 A Negative Reply from an Importer 35
2.3.4 An Introduction of an Importer 36
2.3.5 A Reply from an Exporter on Transferring Business Relations 37
2.4 Words and Phrases 38
2.5 Notes 39
2.6 Useful Expressions 43
2.7 Exercises 46
Chapter Three Enquires(询盘) 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 Writing Guide 50
3.3 Letters for Example 50
3.3.1 A First Enquiry and Reply 50
3.3.2 General Enquiry and Reply 53
3.3.3 Specific Enquiry and Reply 55
3.4 Words and Phrases 57
3.5 Notes 58
3.6 Useful Expressions 62
3.7 Exercises 64
Chapter Four Offers(发盘) 68
4.1 Introduction 68
4.2 Writing Guide 68
4.3 Letters for Example 69
4.3.1 Letter One 69
4.3.2 Letter Two 70
4.3.3 Letter Three 71
4.3.4 Letter Four 72
4.3.5 Letter Five 73
4.4 Words and Phrases 74
4.5 Notes 74
4.6 Useful Expressions 75
4.7 Exercises 77
Chapter Five Counter-offers(还盘) 79
5.1 Introduction 79
5.2 Writing Guide 79
5.3 Letters for Example 80
5.3.1 Letter One 80
5.3.2 Letter Two 81
5.3.3 Letter Three 82
5.3.4 Letter Four 82
5.4 Words and Phrases 83
5.5 Notes 84
5.6 Useful Expressions 85
5.7 Exercises 86
Chapter Six Conclusion of Business(达成业务关系) 88
6.1 Introduction 88
6.2 Writing Guide 88
6.3 Letters for Example 89
6.3.1 Letter One 89
6.3.2 Letter Two 91
6.3.3 Letter Three 91
6.3.4 Letter Four 92
6.4 Words and Phrases 93
6.5 Notes 93
6.6 Useful Expressions 94
6.7 Exercises 96
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment(支付条款) 98
7.1 Introduction 98
7.1.1 Remittance 98
7.1.2 Collection 99
7.1.3 Letter of Credit 100
7.2 Writing Guide 100
7.3 Letters for Example 101
7.3.1 Letter One 101
7.3.2 Letter Two 102
7.3.3 Letter Three 103
7.3.4 Letter Four 104
7.4 Words and Phrases 104
7.5 Notes 106
7.6 Useful Expressions 108
7.7 Exercises 109
Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment(信用证的开立与修改) 111
8.1 Introduction 111
8.2 Writing Guide 112
8.3 Letters for Example 113
8.3.1 Letter One 113
8.3.2 Letter Two 113
8.3.3 Letter Three 115
8.3.4 Letter Four 116
8.3.5 Letter Five 117
8.4 Words and Phrases 118
8.5 Notes 120
8.6 Useful Expressions 121
8.7 Exercises 123
Chapter Nine Packing and Shipping Mark(包装与唛头) 128
9.1 Introduction 128
9.1.1 Packing 128
9.1.2 Shipping Mark 128
9.2 Writing Guide 129
9.3 Letters for Example 129
9.3.1 Letter One 129
9.3.2 Letter Two 130
9.3.3 Letter Three 131
9.3.4 Letter Four 132
9.4 Words and Phrases 132
9.5 Notes 133
9.6 Useful Expressions 134
9.7 Exercises 135
Chapter Ten Shipment(装运) 137
10.1 Introduction 137
10.2 Writing Guides 138
10.3 Letters for Example 138
10.3.1 Letter One 138
10.3.2 Letter Two 139
10.3.3 Letter Three 140
10.3.4 Letter Four 141
10.4 Words and Phrases 142
10.5 Notes 142
10.6 Useful Expressions 143
10.7 Exercises 144
Chapter Eleven Insurance(保险) 146
11.1 Introduction 146
11.2 Writing Guide 147
11.3 Letters for Example 148
11.3.1 Letter One 148
11.3.2 Letter Two 148
11.3.3 Letter Three 149
11.3.4 Letter Four 150
11.3.5 Letter Five 151
11.4 Words and Phrases 152
11.5 Notes 152
11.6 Useful Expressions 153
11.7 Exercises 154
Chapter Twelve Agency(代理) 156
12.1 Introduction 156
12.2 Writing Guide 156
12.3 Letters for Example 157
12.3.1 Asking for Sole Agency 157
12.3.2 Appointing Agency 157
12.3.3 Seeking for Agency 158
12.3.4 Confirmation of Agency Terms 158
12.4 Words and Phrases 159
12.5 Notes 159
12.6 Useful Expressions 160
12.7 Exercises 161
Chapter Thirteen Complaints and Claims(抗议与索赔) 163
13.1 Introduction 163
13.2 Writing Guide 163
13.3 Letters for Example 164
13.3.1 Letter One 164
13.3.2 Letter Two 165
13.3.3 Letter Three 165
13.3.4 Letter Four 166
13.3.5 Letter Five 166
13.4 Words and Phrases 167
13.5 Notes 168
13.6 Useful Expressions 169
13.7 Exercises 170
Chapter Fourteen Sales Promotion(促销) 173
14.1 Introduction 173
14.2 Writing Guide 173
14.2.1 Writing Sales Letters 173
14.2.2 Writing a Reviver 174
14.2.3 A Follow-up Letter 174
14.3 Letters for Example 175
14.3.1 Letter One 175
14.3.2 Letter Two 175
14.3.3 Letter Three 176
14.3.4 Letter Four 176
14.4 Words and Phrases 177
14.5 Notes 177
14.6 Useful Expressions 179
14.7 Exercises 180
Chapter Fifteen International Trade Contract Writing(国际贸易合同的写作) 182
15.1 Introduction 182
15.2 Writing Guide 183
15.3 Letters for Example 184
15.3.1 Letter One 184
15.3.2 Letter Two 185
15.3.3 Letter Three 187
15.4 Word and Phrases 189
15.5 Notes 189
15.6 Useful Expressions 189
15.7 Exercises 190
Chapter Sixteen Contracts and Agreements(合同与协议) 192
16.1 Introduction 192
16.2 Writing Guide 192
16.3 Letters for Example 193
16.3.1 Letter One 193
16.3.2 Letter Two 195
16.3.3 Letter Three 198
16.4 Words and Phases 199
16.5 Notes 199
16.6 Useful Expressions 200
16.7 Exercises 201
Chapter Seventeen Other Letters Writing(其他书信写作) 203
17.1 Introduction 203
17.2 Writing Guide 204
17.3 Letters for Example 205
17.3.1 Letter One 205
17.3.2 Letter Two 206
17.3.3 Letter Three 206
17.3.4 Letter Four 207
17.4 Words and Phases 208
17.5 Notes 208
17.6 Useful Expressions 209
17.7 Exercises 209
Bibliography(参考文献) 211
Appendix(附录) 212
Key to Exercises(习题答案) 212
