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作 者: 丁溪 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材·高等院校国际贸易类教材系列
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787030253477 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 301 字数:  






Chapter 1 International Trade
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Barriers to International Trade
 Section C The World Trade Organization
Chapter 2 International Marketing
 Section A Introduction
 Section B The Product Life Cycle
 Section C The Pricing Process
Chapter 3 International Law and Practices
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Introduction to the Law of WTO
 Section C International Chamber of Commerce
Chapter4 International Tourism
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Tourism Can Play a Key Role in Stimulus Programs
 Section C The International Tourism Partnership
Chapter5 InternationaITransportation
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Functions of Transportation
 Section C The International Transportation Management Association"
Chapter 6 International Business Writing
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Writing Principles of the Business Letter
 Section C Letters for Establishing Business Relations
Chapter 7 Contract
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Some Circumstances of Setting a Contract
 Section C Contractual Theory
Chapter8 InternationaITendering
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Bidding
 Section C Legal Liability
Chapter 9 International Investment
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Investment Risk
 Section C Investment Management
Chapter 10 International Monetary System
 Section A Introduction
 Section B International Monetary Fund
 Section C The European Monetary System
Chapter 11 Electronic Commerce
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Introduction of Credit Cards
 Section C The Main Instruments of Electronic Commerce
Chapter 12 International Banking Business
 Section A Introduction
 Section B Risk Management
 Section C Balance Sheet
附录一 常用商务英语名词缩略语及其英汉对照
附录二 常用贸易术语英汉对照
附录三 参考译文
附录四 习题参考答案
