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定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 盛小利 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 职场充电直通车
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787030254771 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 242 字数:  






Chapter 1 Job Interview Preparations面试准备
 Unit 1 Notice for Interview Preparations面试准备须知
 Unit 2 Interview Etiquette面试礼仪
 Unit 3 Dressing Skills着装要领
 Unit 4 Interview Taboos面试禁忌
 Unit 5 The Knack at the Time of Interview面试技巧
Chapter 2 Common Subjects in an Interview面试话题
 Unit 1 Name,Age,Address and Native Place姓名、年龄、住址及籍贯
 Unit 2 Family Information家庭情况
 Unit 3 Educational Background教育背景
 Unit 4 Social Activities社会活动
 Unit 5 Work Experience工作经验
 Unit 6 Achievements in Work工作业绩
 Unit 7 Interests and Hobbies兴趣与爱好
 Unit 8 Personality and Character品质与个性
 Unit 9 Skills and Technical Qualification技术资格
 Unit 10 Language Abilities语言能力
 Unit 11 Ambition and Aspiration理想与目标
 Unit 12 Working Requirements工作要求
 Unit 13 Reasons for Leaving and Applyin9离职、求职原因
 Unit 14 Salary薪酬
 Unit 15 Benefits and Vacation福利和假期
 Unit 16 Ending an Interview结束面试
 Unit 17 Inquiring the Result询问结果
Chapter 3 Samples ofJob Interviews in English英文应聘面试实例
 Unit 1 Secretary文秘
 Unit 2 Tourist Guide导游
 Unit 3 Salesperson销售人员
 Unit 4 Stewardess空姐
 Unit 5 Journalist新闻记者
 Unit 6 Editor编辑
 Unit 7 Administrator管理人员
 Unit 8 Assistant Manager经理助理
 Unit 9 Computer Engineer电脑工程师
 Unit 10 Accountant会计师
 Unit 11 Bank Clerk银行职员
 Unit 12 Account Executive业务员
 Unit 13 Nurse护士
 Unit 14 Customs Officer海关人员
 Unit 15 Training Staff培训人员
Chapter 4 Remote Interview远程面试
 Unit 1 Telephone Interview电话面试
 Unit 2 Job-hunting on the Internet网络求职
 Unit 3 Recommending a Job推荐工作
 Unit 4 Job Advertisement招聘广告
Chapter 5 Application Letter and Resume求职应聘文书
 Unit 1 Application Letter求职信
 Unit 2 Resume简历
 附录1 常用职位中英文对照表
 附录2 个人品质实用词汇
