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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 赵丽 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 全国职业技能英语系列教材
标 签: 餐饮旅游业英语


ISBN: 9787301137406 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 296 字数:  






Unit 1 Making and Accepting a Reservation
Part A Making and Accepting a Reservation
Part B Offering an Alternative to the Guests When Their Needs Are Not Available
Unit 2 Receiving the Guests
Part A Receiving the Guests with the Reservation
Part B Receiving the Guests without the Resenration
Unit 3 Ordering Food and Taking orders Ⅰ
Part A Asking and Explaining Dishes
Part B Recommending Dishes
Unit 4 Ordering Food and Taking Orders Ⅱ
Part A Asking What the Guest Prefers
Part B Room Service
Unit 5 Ordering DemeM
Part A Asking and Telling If Dessert Is Wanted Ⅰ
Part B Asking and Telling If Dessert Is Wanted Ⅱ
Unit 6 Paying the Bill
Part A Asking for the Bill and Ways of Payin9
Part B Explaining the Charge and Handling Mistakes on the Bill
Unit 7 Bar Service Ⅰ
Part A Asking What the Guest Wants to Drink
Part B Telling What Is Wanted
Unit 8 Bar service Ⅱ
Part A Asking before Serving and Serving the Guest
Part B Asking How Much Is Owed and Saying Goodbye
Unit 9 Handling Complaints Ⅰ
Part A Complaining about Drinks
Part B Complaining about Meat and Food
Unit 10 Handling Complaints Ⅱ
Part A Complaining about Service
Part B Showing the Way of Dealing with Complaints
Key to Exercises
