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定 价:¥31.50

作 者: 曾东京 著,邵庆华,商晓芳,曾东京 译
出版社: 上海大学出版社
标 签: 翻译


ISBN: 9787811184792 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 336 字数:  






Part Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter Ⅰ Translation Translatology Dictionary of Translation Studies
1.1 Translation
1.2 Translatology
1.3 Dictionary of Translation Studies
Chapter Ⅱ Compilation of DiCtionary of Translation Studies from the Perspective of Lexicography
2.1 Dictionary of Translation Studies and Status Quo of Its Research
2.2 Problems with Domestic and Foreign Translatology Dictionaries
2.3 Solutions.
Chapter Ⅲ On Category, Concept and Term of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
3.1 Definitions of Category, Concept and Term
3.2 Differences of Category, Concept and Term
3.3 Relationship among Category, Concept and Term
3.4 Category, Concept and Term of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
Chapter Ⅳ On the Compilation Outline of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
4.1 Nature of Specialized Dictionaries
4.2 Nature and Other Features of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
4.3 Compilation of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
4.4 General Design of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
4.5 Committee of Compilation of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
4.6 “Style Explanation”of A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies in China
Chapter Ⅴ Discussion on Some Terms Translation
5.1 Term and Terminology
5.2 Translatology and Translation Studies
5.3 A Dictionary of Translation Studies and A Dictionary of Translation
5.4 Foreignization
5.5 “化境”(hua jing)
5.6 汉译西化(han yi xi hua, Westernization in Chinese Translation)
5.7 “手势语”(Sign Language)
5.8 Language Universality
Chapter Ⅵ On Standardization of a Dictionary of Translatological Terms
Part Ⅱ Monographs
Chapter Ⅰ Descriptivism and Prescriptivism of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
1.1 A Brief Overview of Descriptivism and Prescriptivism
1.2 Basic Situation of Descriptivism and Prescriptivism in a Dictionary of Translation Studies at Home and Abroad
1.3 Determination of Descriptivism and Prescriptivism in a Dictionary of Translation Studies
1.4 A Sum-up of Prescriptivism as a Main Policy in a Dictionary of Translation Studies
Chapter Ⅱ On Principles of Compilation of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
2.1 Definition of "Principle"
2.2 Current Knowledge of Principles of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
2.3 Four Main Principles of Compiling a Dictionary of Translation Studies
2.4 Coordination among Four Principles
Chapter Ⅲ On the Style of Compilation of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
3.1 Definition, Content and "Three Natures"
3.2 Styles of Five Major Dictionaries of Translation Studies at Home and Abroad
3.3 Style of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
3.4 Importance of Style to (Compiling) a Dictionary of Translation Studies
Chapter Ⅳ On the Methods of Arrangement of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
4.1 Definition, Classes and Methods of Arrangement
4.2 Present Situation of Arrangement in Translationology Dictionaries at Home and Abroad and Its Analysis
4.3 Due Arrangement Methods for a Dictionary of Translation Studies
Chapter Ⅴ On Target Readers of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
5.1 Quartet-nature of Readers of a Dictionary of Translation Studies
5.2 Definition of Target Readers and Their Classification and Analysis
5.3 Target Readers of Translatology Dictionary at Home and Abroad
5.4 Target Readers of Translatology Dictionary
Part Ⅲ Comments
Part Ⅳ Conclusion
