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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 胡正茂 主编
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787307071919 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 564 字数:  






Unit One International Relations and Politics
第一单元 国际关系与政治
1.The Age of Nonpolarity
2.America’S Longest War:September llth Remembrance
3.Losing Sight of Reality
4.ne Return of Soft Power?
5.Vlad and MAD I Russia and Arms Control
Unit Two International Economics and Business
第二单元 国际经济与贸易
1.Analysis:The Vision Thin9
2.Read the Big Four to Know Capital’S Fate
3.We Forgot Everything Keynes Taught Us
4.Charlemagne I Euro Blues
5.Thoroughly Modem Marx
Unit Three Science and Technology
第三单元 科学与技术
1.Computers VS.Brains
2.Just Googling It Is Striking Fear into Companies
3.Electronic—book Readers
4.The RNA RevolUtion
5.New Web Sites Seeking Profit in Wiki Model
Unit Four Culture and Society
第四单元 文化与社会
1.The Way We Read Now as Our World ToRers
2.Feeling at Home
3.Rise of the New Angl0—world Order
4.Reading on the Web Is Not Really Readin9
Unit Five Education
第五单元 教育
1.Education Reform
2.On Campus。Vampires Are Besting the Beats
3.We Treat Our Pupils like Aldous Huxley’S Gammas
4.Will the Humanities Save Us?
Unit Six Environment
第六单元 环境
1.The Environmental Movemem I Endangered Specie
2.Selling the Green Economy
3.Adapt or Die
4.The Litany and the Heretic
Unit Seven Entertainment and Leisure
第七单元 娱乐休闲
1.Saying Yes to Mess
2.Too Busy to Notice You’re Too Busy
3.What’S So Funny?Well.Maybe Nothing
4.Whv Women Don’t Relax?
Unit Eight Health Care
第八单元 健康医疗
Keys to Exercises
