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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读英语前置句法结构习得中的语用制约



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 尹洪山 著
出版社: 河北大学出版社
标 签: 语法


ISBN: 9787810974271 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 217 字数:  


  英语的前置句式具有句法和语用两个方面的制约因素,但在以往的语序习得研究中,后者的作用并没有受到足够的重视。《英语前置句法结构习得中的语用制约》以语篇信息结构为切入点,从句法和语用的接口层面对这一问题进行了定量和定性的研究,为二语句法习 得研究提供了新的视角。




List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The concept of preposin9
1.2 Typological features of preposing
1.3 Significance of the research
1.4 Organization of the thesis
1.5 Summary
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Context and felicity
2.2 Information status in preposing
2.2.1 Information structure
2.2.2 Topic preposin9
2.2.3 Focus preposin9
2.3 Discourse functions of preposing
2.4 Discourse functions of Left—dislocation and invers
2.5 Preposing in cross—linguistic perspectives
2.5.1 Subject and topic in Chinese
2.5.2 Preposing in Chinese NP preposing VP and AP preposings
2.6 Issues in the acquisition of L2 word order
2.6.1 The role of Ll transfer Changing views of Language transfer. Transfer in L2 word-order patterns
2.6.2 Universalist account
2.6.3 Cognitive approaches General nativism and the Competition The Processability Theory
2.7 Limitations of the previouS Studies
2.8 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 The Topic Acceptability Scale
3.2 Pragmatic constraints on preposing
3.2.1 Linking relations in preposing
3.2.2 Constraints on VP and AP preposings.
3.2.3 Constraints on focalization
3.3 A general model for the present research
3.4 Objectives of the study
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Pragmatic Effects on the Acceptabil of Preposing in Interlanguage Gram
4.1 Research questions
4.2 Methodology
4.3 Participants
4.4 InstrUments
4.5 Procedure
4.5.1 The pilot study
4.5.2 Research design
4.5.3 Data collection
4.6 Results
4.6.1 Findings from Test A
4.6.2 Findings from Test B
4.6.3 Findings from Test C
4.7 Discussion
4.7.1 The acceptability of preposing in isolation
4.7.2 The acceptability of preposing in context
4.7.3 The effects of activation states
4.8 Summary
Chapter Five Pragmatic Effects on Response Times to Preposing
5.1 Research questions
5.2 Methodology
5.3 Participants
5.4 Instruments
5.5 Procedure
5.6 Results
5.7 Discussion
5.8 Summary
Chapter Six Strategy Choice in Processing Preposings
6.1 Research questions
6.2 Methodology
6.3 Participants
6.4 Instrument
6.5 Procedure
6.6 Results
6.7 Discussion
6.8 Summary
Chapter Seven General Discussion
7.1 The influence of L1
7.2 Context and preposing
7.3 Information status and preposing structure
7.4 Canonical VS noncanonieal word order
7.5 The role of L2 proficiency
7.6 Strategy choice
7.7 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Major findings
8.2 Implications
8.2.1 Theoretical implications
8.2.2 Methodological implications
8.2.3 Pedagogical implications
8.3 Limitations of the study
8.4 Suggestions for future research
8.5 Summary
Appendix I Judgment Test A
Appendix Ⅱ Judgment Test B
Appendix Ⅲ Judgment Test C
Appendix Ⅳ Think-aloud Test
