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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语英语专业本科生教材:综合教程补充教案4



定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 吕洪灵,张伊娜 主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787544611695 出版时间: 2009-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 453 字数:  






Unit 1
 TextⅠ Never Give In,Never,Never,Never.
 TextⅡ Promise and Tragedy——-John F.Kennedy
Unit 2
 TextⅠ Space Invaders.
 TextⅡ Space and Distance.
Unit 3
 TextⅠ Alienation and the Internet
 TextⅡ American Online:Losing the Battles,butWinning the War
Unit 4
 TextⅠ A View of Mountains
 TextⅡ Statement at the 2003 Session of United Nations Disarmament Commission
Unit 5
 TextⅠ The Tapestry of Friendship
 TextⅡ My Daughter,My Friend
Unit 6
TextⅠ A French Fourth
 TextⅡ Stuck in the Middle
Unit 7
 TextⅠ The Selling of the President
 TextⅡ What Makes a Leader
Unit 8
 TextⅠ The Monster
 TextⅡ Simple Habits,Deep Thoughts
Unit 9
 TextⅠ The Discus Thrower
 TextⅡ A Rage against Dying
Unit 10
 TextⅠ How I Found My Voice
 TextⅡ ThankYou.Mr.Chips
Unit 11
 TextⅠ Mountmn Lion'S Attack
 TextⅡ Terror in the Night
Unit 12
 TextⅠ Christmas Lost and Found
 TextⅡ One Small Stone,Unforgotten
Unit 13
 TextⅠ Promise of Blue
 TextⅡ My Son.the Lion
Unit 14
 TextⅠ The Idiocy of Urban Life
 TextⅡ The City
Unit 15
 TextⅠ Dolly'S False Legacy
 Text 1I Quietly.Animal Cloning Speeds On ward
Unit 16
 TextⅠ The Story of an Eyewitness
 TextⅡ Memories of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
Test for Units 1-4
Test for Units 5-8
Test for Units 9-12
Test for Units 13-16
Test for Units 1-16
Appendix:Key to the Tests
