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定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 姜少杰,王永鼎 主编
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787560841557 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 443 字数:  






Part Ⅰ Short Articles about Science and Technology
Unit 1 Atomic Clock
Unit 2 Braking Systems
Unit 3 Mechatronics System
Unit 4 CNC Machining
Unit 5 Robot Chauffeurs
Unit 6 Automatic Doors
Unit 7 Ford's Assembly Line
Unit 8 Tire
Unit 9 Fahrenheit and Celsius
Unit 10 Pneumatic Tool
Part Ⅱ Electrical Engineering
Unit 1 Microelectronics
Unit 2 Conduction
Unit 3 Insulation
Unit 4 Induction
Unit 5 Semiconductor
Unit 6 Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor
Unit 7 Diode
Unit 8 Transistor
Unit 9 Photoelectric Cell
Unit 10 Analog Circuit and Digital Circuit
Unit 11 Analog-to-Digital Conversion and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Unit 12 Modem
Unit 13 Amplifier and Operational Amplifier
Unit 14 Integrated Circuit (IC)
Unit 15 What is a PLC ?
Unit 16 What is PID control ?
Part Ⅲ Components, Mechanisms and Machinery
Unit 1 Shafting
Read More Couplings, Clutches, Shafts and Spring's
Unit 2 Lubrication
Read More Application of Lubricants
Unit 3 Motors
Read More Rare-Earth Servomotors
Unit 4 Isolating Unwanted Vibration
Read More Passage One Reducing Industrial-fan Vibration
Passage Two InstaLlation
Unit 5 Gear Mechanisms
Read More Gear Trains and Their Classification
Unit 6 Compressor
Read More Principles of Refrigeration
Unit 7 Layout of an Automobile
Read More How Diesel Engines Work and Operation
Unit 8 Robot
Read More Robotics
Part Ⅳ Design
Unit 1 Important Considerations before Initiating Machine Design
Read More Factors in Design
Unit 2 Design Process
Read More Mechanical Design
Unit 3 Computer-Aided Design
Read More Putting Designers' smarts in Mechanical CAD
Unit 4 Engineering Graphics
Read More AutoCAD
Unit 5 Creative Design of Mechanism Systems
Read More Setting the Stage for Good Machine Design -- Motion
Part Ⅴ Machining and Machine Tools
Unit 1 Metal
Read More Mechanical Properties of Metal
Unit 2 Grinding
Read More Milling
Unit 3 Lathes
Read More Passage One Turret Lathe
Passage Two Automatic Screw Machines
Unit 4 Boring
Read More Passage One Drilling Machines
Passage Two Machining Centers
Unit 5 EBM and LBM
Read More Ultrasonic Machining (USM)
Part Ⅵ Manufacturing System
Unit 1 Developing Production Tooling
Read More The Modern Production Line and 1Mass Production
Unit 2 Automation Systems in Manufacturing
Read More General Structure and Requirements of FMS Software
Unit 3 Business Structure
Read More The Networked Enterprise
Unit 4 Preparing for Production Manufacturing
Read More Activity Based Costing
Part Ⅶ Testing
Unit 1 Design and Manufacturing Tolerance
Read More Dimensional Tolerances and Surface Roughness
Unit 2 Engineering Noise Control at Source ( Ⅰ )
Read More Engineering Noise Control at Source ( Ⅱ )
Unit 3 The Changing World of Sensor Technology
Read More The Search for the Perfect Melt Pressure Sensor
Unit 4 Fiber Optics ( Ⅰ )
Read More Fiber Optics ( Ⅱ )
Part Ⅷ Education
Unit 1 Science and Truth
Unit 2 Einstein Named "Person of the Century"
Unit 3 The Education of Benjamin Franklin
Unit 4 Nonverbal Thinking in Engiffeering
Unit 5 Rethinking Thinking
Unit 6 Surfing's Up and Grades Are Down
Appendix Ⅰ Product Specification
Passage 1 Introduction of DCWT-Overview
Passage 2 Spooling Device Type E.T.
Passage 3 Type BPZX - 1 Semi-automatic Unbalance Weight Remover
Passage 4 Series LDS Digital Display Micro-computer Control Electronic Tension Testing Machine
Passage 5 Micro-computer Control Multi-function Testing Machine
Appendix Ⅱ Abstract
1.Experimental Study of a High-Accuracy and Low Cost Position Controller
2.United Simulation of Electromechanical System in Beam-Balanced Control Experimental Device
3.New Method of Coordinated Dynamic Simulation Based on Several CAE Softwares
4.Research in Fatigue Characteristic of Composites EMC Used in Microelectronic Packages
5.Velocity Analysis of Planar Cam Mechanisms by Assur-group Method
6.Some Problem of Design of Double Crank Mechanism
7.Position, Velocity and Acceleration Inverse Solution for a Kind of Parallel Machine Tool
8.Design and Realization of New Type of 2 -DOF Planar Grinding Machine
Appendix Ⅲ Key to Exercises
Appendix Ⅳ Chinese Translations of Some Texts
Appendix Ⅴ Bibliography
