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定 价:¥42.80

作 者: 门顺德 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 口语/语音


ISBN: 9787111259442 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 341 字数:  




  门顺德,教授,现任大连大学英语学院院长、大连大学双语辞书研究所所长,兼任辽宁省高校外语教学研究会副会长,辽宁省翻译学会副会长。主要从事应用语言学研究,研究方向为:词典学、翻译、第二语言习得等。主要译作有:《四川大地震生死24小时》(上海外语教育出版社)、《话说清明》(上海外语教育出版社)、《中国传统节日趣谈》(广东教育出版社)等。主要辞书成果有:《实用汉英词典》(外语教学与研究出版社)、《现代英语惯用法词典》(学苑出版社)、《现代英语动词用法词典》(学苑出版社)、《大学英语考试词汇速记词典》(吉林科学与技术出版社)等。 教材主要有:《美语路路通——阅读通》(辽宁人民出版社)、《3R背诵智宝书》(大连理工大学出版社)等。 发表论文20余篇,担任省级精品课负责人,主持教育部教改课题一项、省级课题两项.现生持商务印书馆《双语版新华字典》翻译等工作。他主编的《实用汉英词典》曾获辽宁省第六大届社会科学优秀成果一等奖、阜新市政府第二届社会科学优秀成果一等奖。


Chapter 1 Men and Women
Chapter 2 Coke and Caffeine
Chapter 3 Food and Health
Chapter 4 Competition and Cooperation
Chapter 5 Customers
Chapter 6 Students and Examinations
Chapter 7 People and Relationships
Chapter 8 Business and Cultures
Chapter 9 Modem Technology and Life
Chapter 10 Work and Career
Chapter 11 Traffic Problems and Solutions
Chapter 12 Resume and Interview
Chapter 13 Cloning
Chapter 14 Mother and Children
Chapter 15 Feeling
Chapter 16 Food and Dinner
Chapter 17 Grassland and Travel
Chapter 18 Multimedia and Office Work
Chapter 19 Money and Charity
Chapter 20 English and Language Learning
Chapter 21 Rowling and Her New Plan
Chapter 22 Exercise and Health
Chapter 23 Football and Games
Chapter 24 Thanksgiving Day
Chapter 25 Saving Money and Personal Finance Advice
Chapter 26 Five Fantastic Mascots and the Olympics
Chapter 27 Jobs and Employment
Chapter 28 Human and Nature
Chapter 29 Eating or Wasting
Chapter 30 Insurance
Chapter 31 Love from All Kinds of People
Chapter 32 Beijing and the 2008 Olympics
Chapter 33 Wealth and Happiness
Chapter 34 Learn to Treasure
Chapter 35 One World, One Dream
Chapter 36 Time
Chapter 37 Light and Darkness
Chapter 38 Winners or Losers
Chapter 39 Nobility
Chapter 40 Parents' Love
Chapter 41 Duty
Chapter 42 A Chance of a Lifetime
Chapter 43 Let Go of Love
Chapter 44 Works of Art
Chapter 45 Passions
Chapter 46 Driving Cars
Chapter 47 Going on a Diet
Chapter 48 Being Grateful
Chapter 49 Children's Education
Chapter 50 Weddings
Chapter 51 Decision-making
Chapter 52 Gifts
Chapter 53 Mobile Phones & Internet
Chapter 54 Valentine's Day
Chapter 55 Tourism
Chapter 56 Being Famous
Chapter 57 Healthy Drinking
Chapter 58 Physical Exercises
Chapter 59 Online Time
Chapter 60 Colds
