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作 者: 吕洪林 编著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专规划教材系列
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787111285014 出版时间: 2009-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 210 字数:  






Chapter 1 Computer Basics
1.1 What is a Computer
1.2 Computer Categories
1.3 Reading Material: Personal Computer Systems
1.4 Exercises
1.5 Lab: Operating a Personal Computer
1.6 Practical Skill——如何写英文求职简历
Chapter 2 Computer Hardware
2.1 The Components of a Computer
2.2 Input and Output Devices
2.2.1 Basic Input Devices
2.2.2 Display Devices
2.2.3 Printers
2.2.4 Installing Peripheral Devices
2.3 Reading Material: Memory and Storage Devices
2.3.1 Random Access Memory
2.3.2 Storage Devices
2.4 Exercises
2.5 Lab: Leaming about Your Computer
2.6 Practical Skill——如何写英文自荐信
Chapter 3 Computer Software
3.1 Software Basics
3.2 Application Software
3.2.1 Document Production Software
3.2.2 Spreadsheet Software
3.2.3 Graphics Software
3.2.4 Educational and Reference Software
3.2.5 Business Software
3.3 Reading Material: Operating System
3.3.1 Operating System Overview
3.3.2 Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, and Linux
3.3.3 Handheld Operating System
3.4 Exercises
3.5 Lab: Installing and Uninstalling Sol.are
3.6 Practical Skill——如何写产品使用说明书的纲要
Chapter 4 Database
4.1 Database Concepts and DBMS
4.1.1 Database Concepts
4.1.2 Database Management Systems
4.2 Database Design
4.2.1 Defining Fields
4.2.2 Designing the Interface
4.2.3 Designing Report Templates
4.2.4 Loading Data
4.3 Reading Material: SQL
4.3.1 SQL Basics
4.3.2 Adding Records
4.3.3 Searching for Information
4.3.4 Updating Fields
4.4 Exercises
4.5 Lab: Working with Database Software
4.6Practical Skill——如何写产品使用说明书的具体内容
Chapter 5 Programming Language
5.1 Programming Basics
5.1.1 Computer Programming
5.1.2 Programming Languages
5.2 Procedural Programming
5.2.1 Sequence, Selection, and Repetition Controls
5.2.2 Procedural Languages and Applications
5.3 Reading Material: Object-Oriented Programming
5.3.1 Objects and Classes
5.3.2 Inheritance
5.3.3 Methods and Messages
5.3.4 Object-Oriented Program Structure
5.3.5 Object-Oriented Languages and Applications
5.4 Exercises
5.5 Lab: Using a Visual Development Environment
5.6 Practical Skill——编写软件项目计划
Chapter 6 Software Engineering
6.1 System Analysis
6.1.1 System Development Life Cycle
6.1.2 Analysis Phase
6.2 System Design
6.2.1 Design Phase
6.2.2 Evaluate Solutions and Select the Best
6.2.3 Develop Application Specifications
6.3 Reading Material: Implementation and Maintenance
6.3.1 Implementation Phase
6.3.2 Test Applications
6.3.3 Finalize Documentation
6.3.4 Convert to New System
6.3.5 Maintenance Phase
6.4 Exercises
6.5 Lab: Using the Windows Interface
6.6 Practical Skill——如何编写软件需求规格说明书
Chapter 7 Computer Networks
7.1 Network Technology
7.1.1 Network Classifications
7.1.2 Physical Topology
7.1.3 Network Links
7.1.4 Local Area Networks
7.2 Internet Technology
7.2.1 Internet Structure
7.2.2 IPAddresses and Domain Names
7.2.3 DSL Intemet Access
7.2.4 Mobile Internet Access
7.3 Reading Material: Web Technology
7.3.1 The Web, the Net, and Hypertext
7.3.2 HTTP
7.3.3 Cookies
7.3.4 ActiveX Controls
7.4 Exercises
7.5 Lab: Working with Cookies
7.6 Practical Skill——如何编写系统规格说明书
Chapter 8 Multimedia
8.1 Graphics
8.1.1 Bitmap
8.1.2 Vector Graphics
8.1.3 3-D Graphics
8.2 Digital Video
8.2.1 Digital Video Basics
8.2.2 Video Transfer
8.2.3 Video Editing
8.2.4 Video Output
8.3 Reading Material: Digital Sound
8.3.1 Waveform Audio
8.3.2 Portable Audio Players
8.3.3 MIDI Music
8.4 Exercises
8.5 Lab- Working with Bitmap Graphics
8.6 Practical Skill——如何编写软件设计规格说明书
Chapter 9 Working Environment
9.1 Working Environment of Computer-related Jobs
9.1.1 The Computer Industry
9.1.2 Computer-related Jobs
9.1.3 Working Conditions
9.2 Careers for Computer Professionals
9.3 Reading Material: Job Hunting Resources
9.3.1 Job Hunting Basics
9.3.2 Resumes for Todays Job Market
9.3.3 Job Listings
9.3.4 Job Banks
9.3.5 Evaluating Job Openings
9.4 Exercises
9.5 Lab: Online Job Hunting
9.6 Practical Skill——如何编写测试说明书
Chapter 10 Outsourcing
10.1 Outsourcing
10.1.1 Overview
10.1.2 Process of Outsourcing
10.1.3 Reasons for Outsourcing
10.1.4 Activities for Outsourcing
10.2 Software Outsourcing
10.2.1 Software Outsourcing Services
10.2.2 Software Development Services
10.2.3 Software Testing Services
10.2.4 Sottware Outsourcing in China
10.3 Reading Material: Criticisms of Outsourcing
10.4 Exercises
10.5 Lab: Using the Character Map Utility
10.6 Practical Skill——如何编写软件变更报告
