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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 吴军其,严莉 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材

ISBN: 9787301158524 出版时间: 2009-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 286 字数:  






Part 1 The Outline of Educational Technology
Unit 1 The Basic Concepts of Educational Technology
Text A What is Educational Technology?
Text B Perspectives and Meaning of Educational Technology
Text C Research Methods of Educational Technology
Unit 2 The History of Educational Technology
Text A History of Educational Technology
Text B A Critical Period of Educational Technology:1950-1970
Text C Current Status of Educational Technology
Unit 3 The Practice and Future of Education Technology
Text A Four Perspectives on Educational Technology
Text B The Professionalization of the Field
Text C Future Trends in Educational Technology
Text D Your Future in the Field
Part 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Educational Technology
Unit 4 Learning Theories
Text A The Importance of Learning Theory to Education Technology
Text B The Behaviorist Orientation to Learning
Text C Cognitivism and Gagne’S Model of Learning
Text D Constructivism
Unit 5 Communication Theories
Text A Defining Communication
Text B Communication System
Text C Communication Theory
Text D Two Typical Models of Communication Theory
Unit 6 InstructiOnaI Theories
Text A A Brief Introduction to Instructional Theory
Text B Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Text C Gagne’S Theory of Instruction
Text D Elaboration Theory
Unit 7 Systems Theory
Text A The Systems View
Text B What is Systems Theory
Text C The Functions of Systems Theory
Text D General Systems Theory
Part 3 Media,Technology and Learning
Unit 8 Brief Introduction to Several Media and Technologies
Text A Muhimedia
Text B Hypermedia
Text C Interactive Media
Text D Visual Reality
Text E Expea Systems
Unit 9 Information Technology and Education
Text A The Information Age
Text B ICTs and Globalization
Text C Information Technology and Education
Text D Basic IT Skills and Personal Qualifications
Unit 10 The Development Trends of Media and Technologies
Text A Continuing Use of Traditional Media
Text B Advancing Telecommunications and Interactive Technologies
Text C Predictions of Technology Trends
Text D Electronic Learning
Part 4 Instructional Systems Design
Unit 11 Instructional Systems and Instructional Systems Design
Text A Instructional Systems
Text B Instructional Design
Unit 12 Instructional Systems Design Models
Text A Instructional System Design(ISD):Using the ADDLE Model
Text B The ASSURE Model
Text C Dick and Carey Model
Text D Rapid Prototyping
Unit 13 Automating Instructional Design
Text A Automating Instructional Design
Text B Four Types of Automated Instructional Design Tools
Text C Current Trends in Automated Tools
教育技术期刊——Your Guide to Educational Technology
Journals on the Web(I)
Part 5 Developing Learning Resources
Unit 14 Audio
Text A Audio Formats
Text B Produce MateriaLs on Cassette Tapes‘
Text C Using Audio Files in Multimedia
教育技术期刊——Y0ur Guide to Educational Technology
Journals on the Web(Ⅱ)
Unit 15 Video
Text A Video Formats
Text B Selecting Video_
Text C Producing Video
Unit 16 Developing Online Courses
Text A Creating a Web Page
Part 6 Network Education
Unit 17 Distance Education
Text A Distance Education:An Overview
Text B Distance Education,Face to Face Teaching and Technology
Text C Distance Learning Technologies
Text D Summary and Recommendations for the Future of Distance Education
Unit 18 Online Learning
Text A A Brief Introduction of Online Learning
Text B Educational Benefits of Online Learning
Text C Evaluating Online Learning
Part 7 The Evaluation of Educational Technology
Unit 19 The Evaluation of Learning Source and Learning Process
Text A The History and Context of Evaluation
Text B Three Basic Methods of Learning Evaluation
Text C Evaluation for Distance Education
Unit 20 Educational Evaluation
Text A Educational Evaluation
Text B Evaluating Webbased LearningA Clustered Study of
Two Online Projects
Text C Computer—assisted Assessment(CAA)
