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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术传记人物总传老外的中国缘(英文版)



定 价:¥78.00

作 者: 绿杨 等著
出版社: 新世界出版社
丛编项: 中外文化交流系列
标 签: 传记


ISBN: 9787510406782 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 232 字数:  


  Buddha said." When two strangers face each other while passing on a road, yuan is the indescribable sensation for one of them to "turn around and seek the other." This moment of bliss is built with the encounters of the past 500years. Isn't it a wonder that I can catch sight of you, out of the myriad of people, at a significant moment?Then I asked Buddha: According to the saying, if the yuan built with the prayers and practices of 1 O0 years can bring two people to the same ferryboat, and if the yuan built with those of l, 000 years can make them a couple, how many times must one feel the sensation to "turn around and seek the other" in order to amount to a single significant encounter today?Buddha smiled and didn't reply.




Remembering Ma Haide
A Sunny Boy
Kyoka in the Two Capitals
The Big Bull's Amazing Year of the Ox
Beautiful Chef
A "Chinese Girl" from America
Doctor Mo
A Chinese Tie Lasting for Half a Century
Long Live Chinese Cattle
Opportunities in China Brought by Kung Fu
A Woman Waking Up Chinese Mornings
A Practitioner of China-Japan Communication
The Special Life of a Finn
French Taoist Nun, Discovering the Way
Realization of a Foreigner's Dream in Childhood
The Story of "Foreign Anchor" in China
Her Ties with Chinese Movies and Television
