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作 者: 高山 编著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: easy英语会话系列
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787111285038 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 246 字数:  






Users Guide使用说明
Preface 前言
Chapter 1 Job Interview求职面试
Unit 1 First Meeting初次会面
Unit 2 Personal Experience个人经历
Unit 3 Career Planning and Goals职业规划与目标
Unit 4 Character and Hobby性格爱好
Unit 5 Job Skills工作技能
Unit 6 Teamwork团队合作
Unit 7 Personal Salary个人薪资
Chapter 2 Career Life踏入职场
Unit 1 Checking In and Beginning to Work报到上班
Unit 2 Being Familiar with Regulations of Personnel Department熟悉人事规定
Unit 3 Receiving Office Supplies领取办公用品
Unit 4 Acquainting Yourself with the Work了解部门工作
Unit 5 Job Description工作内容说明
Unit 6 Exposure to Practical Work接触实际工作内容
Unit 7 Allotting the Task分配工作任务
Chapter 3 Getting Along with Colleagues与同事相处
Unit 1 Introducing Colleagues介绍同事认识
Unit 2 Greetings among Colleagues与同事寒暄
Unit 3 Work Exchange工作交流
Unit 4 Chatting闲聊
Unit 5 Dinner进餐
Unit 6 Entertainment游玩
Chapter 4 Getting Along with Superior与上司相处
Unit 1 Reporting Your Work汇报工作情况
Unit 2 Understanding Your Job Duties了解工作职责
Unit 3 Criticism from Boss上司批评
Unit 4 Praise from Boss上司褒奖
Unit 5 Demanding for Pay Increase要求加薪
Unit 6 Late and Leave迟到与请假
Unit 7 Basic Terminology基本用语
Chapter 5 Basic Response基本应对
Unit 1 Answering the Call接听电话
Unit 2 Call Transfer转接电话
Unit 3 Calling拨打电话
Unit 4 Sending and Receiving Fax收发传真
Unit 5 Sending and Receiving E-mail收发邮件
Chapter 6 Corporation Meeting公司会议
Unit 1 Arranging a Meeting安排会议
Unit 2 Presiding over a Conference会议主持
Unit 3 Work Report工作汇报
Unit 4 Meeting Discussion会议讨论
Unit 5 Meeting Rest会议休息
Unit 6 Summarizing a Meeting会议总结
Chapter 7 Customer Relationship客户关系
Unit 1 Visit and Tour拜访客户与参观
Unit 2 Customer Reception接待来访客户
Unit 3 Introducing Products and Prices介绍公司产品与报价
Unit 4 Asking Suggestions and After-sale Service询问客户意见与售后服务
Unit 5 Dealing with Complaints处理抱怨和不满
Chapter 8 Workplace Communication职场交际
Unit 1 Decline推辞
Unit 2 Acceptance接受
Unit 3 Apology道歉
Unit 4 Thanks致谢
Unit 5 Anger & Rage生气和愤怒
Unit 6 Complaints抱怨
Chapter 9 Business业务往来
Unit 1 Product Packaging产品包装{
Unit 2 Product Shipment产品装运
Unit 3 Product Insurance产品保险
Unit 4 Delivery交货
Unit 5 Test检验
Unit 6 Claims索赔
Chapter 10 Business Trip出差旅行
Unit 1 Booking Tickets订票
Unit 2 Room Reservation预订房间
Unit 3 In the Plane在飞机上
Unit 4 At the Customs在海关
Unit 5 Checking In登记入住
Unit 6 In the Hotel在酒店
