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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语实战财会英语会话



定 价:¥19.80

作 者: 阿尼森 著,林静慧 译
出版社: 译林出版社
丛编项: 译林职场英语
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787544710411 出版时间: 2009-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 178 字数:  






前言 一鱼三吃的聪明哲学
Chapter One THE PEOPLE 人
 Unit One Choosing an Accountant/选择一个会计师
 Unit Two A Career in Accounting/会计事业
 Unit Three The Clients/客户
Chapter Two THE BASICS 基本规则
 Unit One Keeping Good Records/把记录保存好
 Unit Two Debits and Credits/借方与贷方
 Unit Three Cash or Accrual/现金或应计
Chapter Three MONEY COMING IN AND GOING OUT 进来的钱与出去的钱
 Unit One Assets and Liabilities/资产与负债
 Unit Two Revenue and Expenses/收入与支出
 Unit Three Posting to Ledgers/记入分类账
Chapter Four ANNUAL REPORT 年度报告
 Unit One Balance Sheet/资产负债表
 Unit Two Income Statement/收益表
 Unit Three Cash Flow Statement/现金流量表
Chapter Five JOURNALS 日记账
Unit One Daily Summary of Sabs/每日销售摘要
Unit Two Sales and Receipts Journal/销货与收据簿
Unit Three Importance of Financial Documentafton/财务文件的重要性
Chapter Six ACCOUNTS账
 Unit One Accounts Receivable/应收账
 Unit Two Accounts Payable/应付账
 Unit Three Pelb,Cash/零用金
Chapter Seven ADJUSTMENTS 调整
 Unit One Depreciation/折旧
 Unit Two Trial Balance/试算表
 Unit Three Closing the Books/结算
Chapter Eight ALTERNATIVES其他选择
 Unit One Bookkeepers/簿记员
 Unit Two Computerized Accounting/计算机化会计
 Unit Three Do itYou rself/自己动手做
