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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语中小学英语博识初中英语仿写100篇



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 胡跃波,夏谷鸣 主编,王文博 等编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 博识英语一百系列
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787544613767 出版时间: 2009-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 307 字数:  






1 句型仿写
2 片段仿写
3 篇章仿写
 51.My Family
 52.My Father
 53.My Bedroom.
 54.A Small Village
 55.My English Teacher
 56.My Eraser Collection
 57.My Alma Mater
 58.I Hate Phone Calls
 59.Auntie’S Pocket
 60.My Parrots
 61.The Spring Morning
 62.My Pet
 63.My Best Birthday Celebration
 64.An Interesting Lesson
 65.New Year’S Eve.
 66.Helping Others Brings People Happiness.
 67.An Unforgettable Match
 68.Being Sick.
 69.An Unlucky Morning
 70.Mother’S Day
 71.A Special Concert
 72.How I Tried to Lose Weight
 73.-A Visit to Hainan
 74.An Unforgettable Night
 75.My Best Childhood Friend
 76.Going Spring Outin9.
 77.Learning to Cook
 78.The First“Gold Medal”
 79.Staying Up Late
 80.An Accident
 81.A Quarrel with My Mum
 82.I Felt Sorry for an Old Lady
 83.Which Is the Best Way to Travel7.
 84.Is It Good to Keep Animals in the Zoo?
 85.Is It a Good Thing for More People to Own Cars?
 86.What Should Friends Be Like?
 87.My Views on Fast Food
 88.Can Parents and Children Be Friends?
 89.I Like Swimming
 90.My Ideal ob
 91.Living in the City or in the Country?
 92.The Value of Time.i
 93.My Computer and l
 94.How to Plant a Tree
 95.A Letter to a Pen Friend
 96.My Mother’Sob
 97.A Good Girl
 98.A Card for Father OH Father’S Day
 99.Never Give Up Easily
 100.I Would Like to Be Fiona
4 参考答案
