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定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 盛丹丹 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
丛编项: 开口飙英文
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787118066425 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 266 字数:  






Chapter 1 Newcomers
 Unit 1 Notifying to Work
 Unit 2 Remuneration and Benefits
 Unit 3 Employment Contract
 Unit 4 First Day in the Company
 Unit 5 Working Environment
 Unit 6 Training
 Unit 7 Complimenting and Criticizing the Staff
Chapter 2 Personnel Work
 Unit 1 Being Late
 Unit 2 Asking for Leave
 Unit 3 Working Overtime
 Unit 4 Asking for a Salary Raise
 Unit 5 Promotion
 Unit 6 Recruiting a New Staff
 Unit 7 Transferring
 Unit 8 Resignation
 Unit 9 Firing
 Unit 10 Company Bonus
 Unit 11 Performance Review
Chapter 3 Day-to-Day Work
 Unit 1 Arranging Appointments
 Unit 2 Thanks and Apology
 Unit 3 Dealing with Complains
 Unit 4 Compensation Claim
 Unit 5 Making Calls
 Unit 6 Entertaining the Clients
 Unit 7 Schedule
 Unit 8 File Keeping
 Unit 9 Meetings
 Unit 10 Company Dress
Chapter 4 Business Reception
 Unit 1 Meeting Clients at the Airport
 Unit 2 Greetings
 Unit 3 Arranging Hotels
 Unit 4 Around the Workshop
 Unit 5 Business Dinner
 Unit 6 Sightseeing with the Guests
 Unit 7 Seeing Off Clients
Chapter 5 Going Abroad on Business
 Unit 1 Arranging the Plan
 Unit 2 Passport and Visa
 Unit 3 At the Customs
 Unit 4 At the Hotel
 Unit 5 Calling On Clients
 Unit 6 Trade Fairs
 Unit 7 Travel Reimbursement
Chapter 6 After Work
 Unit 1 Diet Culture
 Unit 2 Traveling
 Unit 3 Fitness
 Unit 4 Tasting life
 Unit 5 Money Management
 Unit 6 Cars
 Unit 7 Buy a House
