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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语中小学英语英语名篇诵读菁华:高中卷



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 徐广联 主编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787562825425 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 285 字数:  






1 Youth/青春
2 True Nobility/真正的高贵
3 A Bright Beautiful Spring/明媚春光
4 The Right to D0/做事的权利
5 The Country Girl and the Milky Pail/乡下姑娘和牛奶桶
6 ImmortaI Books/不朽的书
7 Afternoon on a Hill/山中午后
8 A Merry Christmas/快乐的圣诞节
9 Dreams/梦想
10 Traffic Jam/拥挤的交通
11 A Time for Us/我俩的时光
12 The Big Rocks and the Jar/大石块和广口瓶
13 The Cow/奶牛
14 Shared G rief Is Half the Sorrow/共患难,痛苦减半
15 The Echoing Green/荡着回声的草地
16 A Good Piece of Advice/一则忠告
17 The Year'S at the Sprin9/正是一年春光好
18 The Little Black Boy/小小黑男孩
19 Some People/有些人
20 Competition/竞争
21 Great,Wide,Beautiful,Wonderful World/伟大、广阔、美丽、奇妙的世界
22 Sailin9/远航
23 The Lion and the Mouse/狮子和老鼠
24 Today/今天
25 Somewhat Childish,But Very Natural/有点儿稚气,可是挺自然
26 Welcome the Pain of Problems/正视苦难
27 The Village Is not Dead/乡村依然存在
28 Block City/积木城
29 The Meaning and Purpose of Life/生命的意义和目的
30 The Donkey and the Statue/驴和塑像
31 Sand and Stone/沙子和石头
32 Young and Old/青春与暮年
33 Wealth.Success and Love/财富、成功和爱
34 Forever Youn9/永远青春
35 The Oak/橡树
36 Father'S G ift/父亲的礼物
37 How to Keep Healthy/健康秘笈
38 A Perfect Gift/完美的礼物
39 The Disobedient Donkey/驴
40 Find Our Way/寻路
41 The Dreams of Lotteries/彩票梦
42 American Music/美国音乐
43 The Common Interest/共同的兴趣
44 Work and Health/T作与健康
45 How to Save Yourself in the Forest/林中自救
46 A Quiet Life/宁静的生活
47 The Pigs' Hometown/猪的家乡
48 Two Possibilities/两种可能
49 Looking for Volunteers/征召志愿者
50 The Best Time of My Life/美好人生
51 The Wolf and the Crane/狼$D鹤
52 A Drunk/酒鬼
53 A New Friend/新朋友
54 A Valuable Lesson/珍贵的一课
55 Make Deserts into Good Land/变沙漠为良田
