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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语计算机专业英语(第二版)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 吴群,吴坚 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材·高职高专规划教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787030248794 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 279 字数:  






Lesson One
Text: Installation Steps ora Desktop Board
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Word-formation in the Computer Fields
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Conversation at an Office
Exercises (II)
Reading Materials (A): Information Technology
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Two
Text: Peripherals
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: The Parts of Speech and Their Use
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Key Words
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): The Features of CD-RW Drive
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Three
Text: Learn a Language Online
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Verbs and the Components of a Sentence
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Abstract
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): China Races to Supplant India in Software
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Four
Text: Intemet Morals Watchdog Guards Against Viruses as Well
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: The Tenses
Exercises ( I )
Then and Now
Skill Training: Business Card
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A) Don't Bug Me!
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Five
Text: How the Intemet Works
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: The Passive Voice
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Superscription
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): GoogleLeading Role of Intemet
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Six
Text: Voice Recognition Not Science Fiction
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Notice
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Using a Modem
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Seven
Text: Using Ants as Models for New Distributed Systems
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: The In~mitive
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: The Structure of a Letter
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): End of the PC Era
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Eight
Text: A New Programming LanguageJava
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Past Participle and Present Participle
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Commonly-used Opening Sentences and Closing
Sentences of Letters
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A)- A Mobile Computer Team Services Sick Machines
Reading Materials (B)- Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Nine
Text: Plug-and-Play Robots
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Gerund
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Letter Writing
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): A Guide to Computers and Plug-ins on the Intemet
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Ten
Text: Caught in the Web of the Intemet
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Non-finite Forms of Verbs
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Introduction to Company Organizations
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Eleven Commandments by Bill Gates
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Eleven
Text: Hackers Are Enemy Number One on the Internet
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar Noun Clause
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Invitation Card
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): The Information Superhighway: From Expectation
to Realization
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Twelve
Text: The Challenges of Using Search Agents to Perform Research
on the World Wide Web
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Adjective Clause
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Job Interview
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Safe Sex for Your Computer
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Thirteen
Text: Bill Gates Speech to Tsinghua University
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Resume
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Help ! How Do I Set Up and Send an Online
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Fourteen
Text: The Ancient History of the Internet
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Inverted Word-order
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Personal Statement
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Father of Internet Surprised by 600 Million
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Fifteen
Text: XP's Do-It-Yourself Security
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Complex Sentences Analysis
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Advertisement
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): One Number Gets It AllPhone, Fax or Voice Mail
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Lesson Sixteen
Text: Talk of Cooperatiofi Is Out as the Software Industry Prepares for
Another Period of Sweeping Change
New Words
Sentence Explanations
Grammar: Samples of Complex Sentences Analysis
Exercises ( I )
Skill Training: Agreement (Contract)
Exercises ( II )
Reading Materials (A): Just Imagine: What Computers Can't Do?
Reading Materials (B): Commonly Used Computer Terms
Reference Translation and Answers
Complex Exercises
