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作 者: 朱琳 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪全国高职高专财经管理系列实用规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787811179521 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 279 字数:  






Chapter One Economic Globalization
 Text A Introduction to Economic Globalization.
 Text B Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis
 Text C Financial Crisis Tests Durability of Globalization
Chapter Two Money Market
 Text A Introduction to Money Market
 Text B Money Market Mutual Funds
 Text C Fed Announces New Plan to Help Money Market Funds
Chapter Three Banking,
 Text A Introduction to Banking
 Text B The Banking Industry in China
 Text C EU Fudge on Bank Reform
Chapter Four Investment
 Text A Introduction to Investment Company
 Text B Venture Investment
 Text C How to Make Investment in Stock Market
Chapter Five Insurance
 Text A Introduction to Insurance
 Text B Risk
 Text C How to Drive Down the Cost of Car Insurance
Chapter Six Business Management
 Text A Introduction to Managers and Management
 Text B Management by Objectives
 Text C You Can't Learn Management in a Classroom
Chapter Seven Financial Management
 Text A Introduction to Financial Management
 Text B The Financial Market
 Text C Silent Disaster Tens of billions of dollars in financing arrangements are in trouble
Chapter Eight Taxation
 Text A Introduction to Taxation
 Text B Principle and Types of Taxation
 Text C The Last Tax-free Christmas Online
Chapter Nine Accounting
 Text A Introduction to Accounting
 Text B Financial Statements of Accounting
 Text C Accounting Ethic
Chapter Ten Auditing
 Text A Introduction to Audit
 Text B Audit Report
 Text C Who Will Protect Public from Leaders Like Enron's
Chapter Eleven Marketing
 Text A Introduction to Marketing
 Text B Marketing Research
 Text C Marketing Strategies for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
Chapter Twelve E-business
 Text A Introduction to E-business
 Text B The Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce
 Text C E-business: Opportunity or Peril
