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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语赢在互动·商贸英语情景口语昂秀



定 价:¥162.00

作 者: 王华运Christina Themar,(美) Ariel Max Sommer,(澳) Brian Turner,(美) Amy Pag,e(美) Heman Cheng,(加) 昂秀互动部 编录
出版社: 暂缺
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787894622808 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 盒装
开本: 大16开 页数: 字数:  






第一节 建立业务关系  Establishing Business Relationship Relationship
  1.建立业务关系  Establishing Business Relationship
  2.实地拜访参观  Visiting the Company in Person Saying Sorry and the Appropriate
  3.观看货样展品  Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products
 第二节 价格与付款 Price and Payment
  1.询价  Making an Inquiry
  2.报价 Making an Offer
  3.商议价格 Bargaining
  4.折扣 Discount
  5.佣金 Commission
  6.下定单 Placing an Order
  7.付款方式 Terms of Payment
 第三节 包装与运输  Packing and Shipping
  1. 包装 Packing
  2.运输 Shipping  
 第四节 保险、索赔与纠纷 Insurance, Compensation and Dispute and Dispute
  1.保险 Insurance
  2.投诉与索赔 Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss
  3.拒绝赔偿  Refusing to Accept the Claim
  4.同意赔偿  Accepting the Claim
第二章 秘书、助理英语
 第一节 接待来客 Receiving Clients
  1.机场迎接客人  Meeting a Guest at the Airport
  2.接待来客  Receiving a Client
  3.送别来客  Seeing off a Client
 第二节 日程安排 Schedule
  1.安排老板日程 Making Schedule for the Boss
  2.安排会议  Arranging a Meeting
  3.安排预约  Making an Appointment
第三章 银行职员英语
 第一节 银行职员一般业务 General Services
  1.业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service
  2.开户业务 Helping Open an Account
  3.存取款业务 Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money
  4.汇款业务  Helping Send Money
  5.挂失与销户业务 Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account
  6.银行卡业务  Offering Bank Card Service
 第二节 银行职员其他业务 Other Services
  1.外汇兑换业务 Offering Money Exchange Service
  2.支票业务 Offering Cheque Service
  3.零钱兑换业务 Offering Money Changing Service
第四章 邮局职员英语
 第一节 邮局职员一般业务 General Services
  1.邮局业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service
  2.信件业务  Letter Service
  3.包裹业务  Parcel Service  
 第二节 邮局职员其他业务 Other Services
  1.信封邮票销售  Selling Envelopes and Stamps
  2.报刊杂志业务  Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service Colleagues
第五章 宾馆服务英语
 第一节 宾馆前台服务 Reception
  1.客房预订 Taking Room Reservation
  2.接待登记 Receiving Guest and Helping Check In
  3.投诉处理 Handling Complaint
  4.为顾客结账退房  Helping Check Out
 第二节 宾馆客房服务 Room Services
  1.引领客房  Showing Guest the Room
  2.整理客房  Making up the Room
  3.洗衣服务  Laundry Service
  4.送餐服务  Room Service
  5.叫醒服务  Wake-up Service Wake-up Service
  6.设施维修服务  Facility Repair Service
 第三节 宾馆商场部服务  Services at the Shop
  1.在珠宝工艺品店  At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop
  2.在丝绸店  At the Silk Shop
第六章 餐厅服务英语
 第一节 餐厅接待服务 Receiving Guests
  1.接听订餐电话  Taking Reservation over the Telephone
  2.领座  Seating a Guest
  3.请客人点餐  Asking a Guest to Order  
  4.菜肴介绍  Introducing Dishes
 第二节 餐厅其他服务  Other Services
  1.上菜  Serving Dishes
  2.处理顾客抱怨  Dealing with Complaints
  3.随桌服务  Waiting on the Table
  4.结账送客  Settling Bill and Sending off Guests
第七章 售货员接待顾客服务
 第一节 售货员英语  Serving Customer
  1.招呼顾客  Receiving Customers
  2.产品介绍  Introducing Products
  3.产品价格  Products’ Price
  4.售后服务  After-sales Service
  5.送别顾客  Saying Good-bye to a Custome
 第二节 售货员销售商品服务  Selling Products
  1.服装销售  Selling Clothes
  2.鞋帽销售  Selling Hats and Shoes
  3.食品销售  Selling Food
  4.电器销售  Selling Household Appliances
  5.化妆品销售  Selling Cosmetics
  6.纪念品销售  Selling Souvenirs
第八章 出租车英语
 第一节 出租车司机接待乘客  Receiving Passengers
  1.招呼乘客  Greeting a Passenger
  2.途中询问  Questions on the Route
  3.向乘客收费  Collecting the Fare from a Passenger
 第二节 解释交通道路状况  Explaining Traffic Conditions
  1.解释路面状况  Explaining Road Conditions
  2.解释行驶故障  Explaining Troubles on the Road
