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定 价:¥36.80

作 者: 杨余馨 主编,罗鹏 副主编
出版社: 广东经济出版社
标 签: 外贸英语


ISBN: 9787545403602 出版时间: 2009-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 290 字数:  






Chapter 1 Embrace the opportunity
 ——Seeking business opportunity寻找潜在客户
 Unit 1 Greetings and introduction初次见面与介绍
 Unit 2 Phoning and making appointments电话及预约
 Unit 3 Introducing company and business scope介绍公司的运作情况和经营范围
Chapter 2 Partnership counts
 ——Estahlishing business relationship发展业务关系
 Unit 4 Hoping to enter into business relations with ABC company希望和某公司建立业务往来
 Unit 5 The arrival of a client接洽客户
Chapter 3 Quality first
 ——Exchanging product information交换产品信息
 Unit 6 Talking about Quality谈论产品质量
 Unit 7 Talking about packing谈论产品包装
Chapter 4 Show me the list
 ——Inquiry and replies询盘及答复
 Unit 8 Hoping to get the price of cement and catalogue希望获得价格及目录单
 Unit 9 Reply to the inquiry对询盘的答复
 Unit 10 Negotiating price商议价格
 Unit 11 Discount产品折扣
Chapter 5 Let’s negotiate
 ——Offer and counter-offer报盘及还盘
 Unit 12 Making an offer报盘
 Unit 13 Making a counter-offer还盘
Chapter 6 Just pay it
 ——Payment Terms支付方式
 Unit 14 Letter of Credit信用证
 Unit 15 L/C amendment and extension信用证的修改及延展
 Unit 16 Collection托收
 Unit 17 Remittance汇付
Chapter 7 Meet my requirements
 ——Execution of an order订单的执行
 Unit 18 Packing包装
 Unit 19 Inspection商检
Chapter 8 A plain sailing
 Unit 20 Modes of transport运输方式
 Unit 21 Shipment海运
Chapter 9 No worry,no risk
 Unit 22 Insurance clauses保险条款
Chapter 10 Let’s talk
 ——Claims and arbitration索赔和仲裁
 Unit 23 Claims索赔
 Unit 24 Arbitration仲裁
Chapter 11 Mutual Trust Wins
 Unit 25 Wishing to be the sole agent for ABC company希望做某公司的代理
 Unit 26 Terms of agency代理条款
Chapter 12 A good help
 ——Banking business银行业务
 Unit 27 Opening an account开户
 Unit 28 Exchange rate汇率
 Unit 29 Currency converter货币兑换
 Unit 30 Check支票
Chapter 13 A bright future ahead
 ——Strengthening business partnership加强商务合作关系
 Unit 31 In a Restaurant品尝美食
 Unit 32 At an exhibition参观会展
 Unit 33 At the scenery spot观光旅游
 Unit 34 After sales service售后服务
