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作 者: 王彦波 主编
出版社: 华东理工大学出版社
丛编项: 向日葵英语
标 签: 大学英语六级


ISBN: 9787562826590 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 332 字数:  






Unit 1 Culture and Customs
 1.Origin of Olympic Games
 2.Cultural Wedding Traditions
 3.The Legends of Christmas
 4.Thanksgiving Day
 5.The History and Customs of Halloween
Unit 2 Fairy Tales and Short Stories
 1.I Was Once a Cowboy
 2.A Leaf From Heaven
 3.Witches’ Loaves
 4.Feast of Kubera
Unit 3 Famous Speeches and Great Figures
 1.President Bush’s State of the Union Address
 2.Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
 3.Barbara Pierce Bush: Commencement Address at Wellesley College
 4.PM Tony Blair’s Address to United Nations
 5.Thomas Jefferson
Unit 4 Discoveries and Inventions
 2.Electric Lighting Comes of Age
 3.Jungle Discovery Opens New Chapter in Maya History
 4.The New World
 5.History of the Atomic Bomb & the Manhattan Project
Unit 5 Current News and World Report
 1.Experts Brief Congress on 9/11 Illness
 2.How to Make Food Greener
 3.Cellphone Pioneer Struggles to Stay Relevant
 4.Hollywood’s Next Generation
 5.Now Students Take Field Trips Online
Unit 6 Appreciation of Essays
 1.How to Become a Man of Genius
 2.On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth
 3.On Idleness
 4.Of Studies
 5.The Declaration of Independence
Unit 7 World Travel and Experiences
 1.Round-the-world Travel Tips
 2.Australia Travel Guide
 3.One Family’s Guide to Ireland’s Top Sights
 4.8 Steps to Enjoy the Perfect Cruise
 5.Minor Traveler Maladies
Unit 8 Popular Science and Health Care
 1.Hypnosis as Mental Health Therapy
 2.Restaurant Food Fattier Than You Think
 3.Healthy Fruit Dessert Recipes
 4.Preventing Cancer Is More Possible Than You Think
 5.Dance It off
Unit 9 Music and Art
 1.Dubious “Mozart Effect” Remains Music to Many Americans’ Ears
 2.Abstract Art
 3.The Musical Cats
 5.The Beatles
Unit 10 Practical Tips and Guides
 1.5 Steps to Emotional Detoxification
 2.Five Empowered Self-leadership Strategies
 3.Triple Your Personal Productivity
 4.How to Make Your Email More Effective
 5.7 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-confidence
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