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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语英语(二版)



定 价:¥43.00

作 者: 段晓静 主编
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787117125550 出版时间: 2010-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 449 字数:  






Unit 1
Dialogue. Greetings
Text A The Importance of English
Text B American English and British English
Grammar Verb Tense (Ⅰ)
一、The Simple Present Tense
二、The Simple Past Tense
Unit 2
Dialogue: Introductions
Text A Education——a Means to an End
Text B Creativity
Writing 英文信封的格式
Unit 3
Dialogue: Asking the way
Text A Something better than money
Text B What Money Is For?
Grammar Verb Tense(Ⅱ)
三、The Simple Future Tense
四、The Past Future Tense
Unit 4
Dialogue: Making Telephone Calls
Text A Mind Your Manners
Text B Making Friends in the U.S.
Writing 英文书信的格式
Unit 5
Dialogue: An Invitation
Text A The American Concept of Time
Text B The Value of Time
Grammar VerbTense(Ⅲ)
五、The Present Continuous Tense
六、The Past Continuous Tense
Unit 6
Dialogue: An Evening Party
Text A American Family
Text B Family Life
Writing 邀请信——非正式邀请信
Unit 7
Dialogue: Saying Good-bye
Text A Children and Television
Text B Television Commercials and American Children
Grammar Verb Tense(IV、
七、The Present Perfect Tense
八 、The Past Perfect Tense
Unit 8
Dialogue: Compliments
Text A Jogging
Text B A Healthy Way of Life
Writing 邀请信——正式邀请信
Unit 9
Dialogue: In the Library
Text A Vitamin D
Text B Too Much Vitamin——Harmful
Grammar The Passive Voice
Unit 10
Dialogue: Going to a Karaoke
Text A Work and Labour
Text B Attitudes towards Work
Writing 邀请信的回复——应邀函
Unit 11
Dialogue: Sports
Text A Happiness Is a Choice
Text B Why Do Americans Keep Animals?
Grammar The Subjunctive Mood
Unit 12
Dialogue: TV Shows
Text A Stress Prevention
Text B The Effects of Noises on Human Health
Writing 邀请信的加复——谢绝函
Unit 13
Dialogue: Chatting Online
Text A Endow Your Child with Beauty Intelligence
Text B Intelligence
Granunar The Infinitive( Ⅰ )
Unit 14
Dialogue: English Study
Text A Using the Mind against Disease
Text B The Healing Power of Belief
Writing 感谢信
Unit 15
Dialogue: English Exam
Text A Is Love the t3est Drug?
Text B Anger——Harmful Emotion
Grammar The Infinitive( Ⅱ )
Unit 16
Dialogue: Further Study
Text A Memory
Text B Old Age Trouble
Writing 道歉信
Unit 17
Dialogue: A Summer Job
Text A A New Problem for Doctors
Text B Euthanasia:Pros and Cons
Grammar The Gerund( Ⅰ )
Unit 18
Dialogue: Interview
Text A Who Are at Fault?
Text B Psychological Care
Granunar The Gerund( Ⅱ )
Unit 19
Dialogue: Seeing the Doctor
Text A Nursing Service in the Future
Text B The New Doctor
Writing 求职信
Unit 20
Dialogue: Cold
Text A How to Live to 100
Text B Never Too Old
Writing 简历
Unit 21
Dialogue: Pneumonia
Text A Gulf War Syndrome——A Medical Mystery
Text B Are Mobile Phones Safe?
Grammar The Present Participle ( Ⅰ )
Unit 22
Dialogue: An Upset Stomach
Text A Diet to Prevent Cancer
Text B Rich Living Brings New Disease
Writing 便条——留言条与请假条
Unit 23
Dialogue: Chronic Hepatitis
Text A The First Woman Doctor in the World
Text B X-rays Penetrating a Century
Grammar The Past Participle ( Ⅱ )
Unit 24
Dialogue: Laceration
Test A Computers in Health Care
Text B Computer-based Patient Records
Writing 便条——欠条与收条
Unit 25
Unit 26
Unit 27
Unit 28
Unit 29
Unit 30
Unit 31
Unit 32
Unit 33
Unit 34
Unit 35
Unit 36
Common Abbreviations
Names of Subjects
Phrases and Expressions
