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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语应用型大学英语教程(第2册)



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作 者: 李鹏飞 主编,陈俐蓉 分册主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787118066265 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  


  本书是《应用型大学英语教程》的第2册。按照《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神,本书旨在继续引导学生打好英语基础,突出听说和语篇阅读能力的培养,并为学生顺利通过大学英语四、六级考试和高等学校英语应用能力考试做好准备。本书分为10个单元。每单元均设预听说、主课文学习及与该课文相关的重点词汇讲练、语法结构讲练、写作能力训练及综合运用能力扩展5个部分。为实现上述目标教学,本书课文编写追求体裁多样、情趣盎然、人文与理工并重、经典与时文兼顾,并编排了与各单元主题相关的谚语警句、名人名言、幽默故事和背诵短文。考虑到学生通过多媒体和网络进行自主学习的需要,本书每单元最后设有Study More on the Topic by Surnng the Internet,以促进学生自主学习,发挥创造性,扩大学习视野。本书内容精练,主题突出,活泼多样,寓教于乐。本书可作为普通高等学校公共英语基础课教材。




Unit One
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about Dreams and Ambitions
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Bill Gates in His Boyhood
Part III Further Reading Text B
If the Dream Is Big Enough
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Great Goals Make You Stretch!
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Two
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk on Happiness and Roads to Happiness
Part II Focus Reading Text A
The Road to Happiness
Part III Further Reading Text B
Getting to the Root of Unhappiness
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
The Wholeness of Life
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Three
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about How to Improve Study Skills
Part II Focus Reading Text A
How Should One Read a Book?
Part III Further Reading Text B
Understanding Life Learning
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Radically Increasing Your Reading Speed
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Four
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk on Animal Life
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Top Dogs
Part III Further Reading Text B
Do Animals Think?
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Song-Leaming Birds Shed Light on Our Ability to Speak
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Five
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about Love and Marriage
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Intemet Dating-It's Not for Geeks
Part III Further Reading Text B
Why Is Marriage Important?
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Pursuing New Adventures to Find Mr./Ms. Right
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Six
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk on Air Pollution and Its Influence on People's Health
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Indoor Air Pollution and Health
Part III Further Reading Text B
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Use of Mobile Phone Technology in Healthcare
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Seven
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about the Mysterious Living Ways of the Insects
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Scientists Find Clue in the Mystery of the Vanishing Bees
Part III Further Reading Text B
Bees Translate Dances of Foreign Species
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Why Japan Risks Its Place In the World to Hunt Whales
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Eight
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about Gene and Its Relation to Human Intelligence
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Can Lifestyle Changes Bring Out the Best in Genes?
Part III Further Reading Text B
The Path to a Healthy Heart
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Can Exercise Improve Grades?
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Nine
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk on the Ways and Effectiveness of Communication
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Understanding Anger Positively
Part III Further Reading Text B
Can You Hear the Voices?
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Father's Eyes
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Unit Ten
Part I Listen, Read and Talk
Listen and Talk about the Relation between the Climate Change and Human Health and Mood
Part II Focus Reading Text A
Never-Ending Winter: My Struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Part III Further Reading Text B
How to Handle Stress
Part IV Speed Reading Text C
Ten Secrets To Reduce Depression
Part V Skills Expansion
A. Listening Practice
B. Structure in Use
C. Learn to Read and Retell the Funny Story
D. Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet
Supplementary Reading Passages
Glossary of Book Two
