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作 者: 阚功俭 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪全国高等院校物流专业创新型应用人才培养规划教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材

ISBN: 9787301168073 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 266 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction to Logistics Management
1.1 What is Logistics
1.1.1 Brief History of Logistics Emergence
1.1.2 Origins and Definition of Logistics
1.1.3 Recognizing the Boundary of Logistics
1.1.4 Other Types of Logistics
1.2 Mission of Logistics Management
1.2.1 Logistics Management Provide Competitive Advantage
1.2.2 Gaining Competitive Advantage through Logistics
1.2.3 The Mission of Logistics Management
1.3 The Changing Logistics Environment
1.3.1 The Customer Service Explosion
1.3.2 Time Compression
1.3.3 Globalization of Industry
1.3.4 Organizational Integration
1.3.5 The New Rules of Competition
1.4 Building the Logistics Network of the 21st Century
1.4.1 Logistics Network Building with E-business Development Framework
1.4.2 Factors in Optimizing a Logistics Network
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management
2.1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management
2.1.1 Definition of Supply Chain Management
2.1.2 Differences between Logistics and Supply Chain Management
2.1.3 Supply Chain Management Process
2.1.4 Importance of an Effective Supply Chain Management
2.1.5 Supply Chain Management Eras
2.2 Principles of Supply Chain Management
2.3 Methods Concerning Supply Chain Management
2.4 Developing Supply Chain Systems
2.5 Supply Chain Business Process Integration
Chapter 3 Procurement and Supplier Management
3.1 The Definition and Role of Procurement
3.1.1 Definition of Procurement
3.1.2 The Strategic Role of Purchasing
3.2 Purchasing Management
3.2.1 Purchasing Research and Planning
3.2.2 Measurement and Evaluation of Purchasing Performance
3.3 Supplier Selection and Evaluation
3.3.1 Importance of Supplier Selection and Evaluation
3.3.2 Procedures of Supplier Evaluation
3.4 Supplier Relationship Management
3.4.1 Definition of Supplier Relationship Management
3.4.2 Types of Relationships
3.4.3 The Partnership Model
Chapter 4 Warehousing and Distribution Management
4.1 Introduction to Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.1.1 Definition of Some Terms in Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.1.2 Functions of Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.1.3 Value of Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.1.4 Objective of Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.1.5 Trends and Issues of Warehousing and Distribution Operation
4.2 Warehousing and Distribution Operation Facility Activities
4.2.1 Objectives of Warehousing and Distribution Operation Facility Activities
4.2.2 Pre-Order-Pick Activities
4.2.3 Pick (Order-Pick) Activity
4.2.4 Post-Order Pick Activity
4.3 Warehouse and Distribution Facility Layout
4.3.1 Purpose of Warehouse Facility Layout
4.3.2 Objective of Warehouse Facility Layout
4.3.3 Facility Layout Fundamentals
4.3.4 Facility Layout Principles
4.3.5 Facility Layout Philosophies
4.3.6 How to Increase Storage Space
Chapter 5 Transportation Management
5.1 Introduction to Transportation
5.1.1 Importance of an Effective Transportation System
5.1.2 Transportation Management as a Source of Competitive Edge for Enterprises
5.2 Modes of Transport
5.2.1 Rail Transport
5.2.2 Road Transport
5.2.3 Water Transport
5.2.4 Air Transport
5.2.5 Pipeline Transport
5.2.6 Containerization
5.2.7 International Multimodal Transportation
5.3 Transportation Economics
5.3.1 Transportation Characteristics
5.3.2 Principles of Transportation
5.3.3 Transportation Pricing
Chapter 6 InformationTedmology in a Supply Chain
6.1 The Role of IT in a Supply Chain
6.2 Brief History of Information System Connectivity
6.3 The Supply Chain IT Framework
6.3.1 Customer Relationship Management
6.3.2 Internal Supply Chain Management
6.3.3 Supplier Relationship Management
6.3.4 The Transaction Management Foundation
6.4 Supply Chain IT in Practice
6.5 The Future of IT in the Supply Chain
Chapter 7 International Logistics
7.1 International Trade and International Logistics
7.1.1 Historical Development of International Logistics
7.1.2 Definition of International Logistics
7.1.3 Features of International Logistics
7.1.4 Governments Interest in International Logistics
7.2 Components of International Logistics Management
7.2.1 International Transportation
7.2.2 International Insurance
7.2.3 Packaging
7.2.4 Terms of Payment
7.2.5 Trade Terms
7.2.6 Customs and Customs Clearance
7.2.7 Inventory Management
7.3 International Logistics Infrastructure
7.3.1 Free Trade Zone
7.3.2 Ports
7.4 International Logistics Intermediaries and Logistics Alliances
7.4.1 Main International Logistics Intermediaries/Facilitators
7.4.2 International Logistics Alliances
Chapter 8 Contract and Logistics Documentation
8.1 Introduction to Documentation
8.2 Contract
8.2.1 Introduction to Contract
8.2.2 Logistics Contract
8.3 Main Logistics Documentation
8.3.1 Bill of Lading
8.3.2 Sea Waybill
8.3.3 Charter Party
8.3.4 Air Waybill
Chapter 9 Logistics Telecommnnicatlon
9.1 Telex
9.1.1 Introduction to Telex
9.1.2 Examples of Telex
9.2 Fax
9.2.1 Introduction to Fax
9.2.2 Examples of Fax
9.3 E-mail
9.3.1 Introduction to E-mail
9.3.2 Examples of E-mail
Appendix: A Birds View of Best
Practices of Selected World Famous Logistics
