The Diana Effect黛安娜效应
Coffee Culture咖啡文化
The Tale of the Taj Mahal泰姬陵的故事
Hoards from the Late Viking Period维京后期的银宝藏
Phantom Vessel—Flying Dutchman鬼船——荷兰飞人
A Pacific Encounter to Western Samoa到太平洋西萨摩亚来
Old Norse Mythology北欧古诺斯神话
Venus de Milo米罗的维纳斯
The Cree Hunting Culture克里人与狩猎
An Irish Christmas—Then and Now爱尔兰圣诞节今与昔
The Holy Grail圣杯的传说
The Real Atlantis and Its Decline亚特兰蒂斯的衰亡
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
Buckaroo’S Clothing牛仔装
Words Don't Mean What They Mean话语的含义并非话语本身
Inventing Barbie芭比娃娃诞生
Drum Is the Ear of God鼓是上帝的耳朵
The Origins of Swan Lake《天鹅湖》的起源
Maya Astronomy玛雅人观天象
Spirituality of Chivalry-Now当代骑士精神的高尚境界
Shattered Images of Mona Lisa破碎的蒙娜·丽莎
Finnish Weddings芬兰婚俗
Troy Past and Present古往今来特洛伊
A Loss for Words濒危语言
The Last Shaman最后的萨满