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Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum on Ecological Civiliza

Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum on Ecological Civiliza

定 价:¥980.00

作 者: 尚宏琦,骆向新 等主编
出版社: 黄河水利出版社
标 签: 水资源调查与水利规划


ISBN: 9787807347972 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 全五册 字数:  


  本套书是第四届黄河国际论坛的论文集。本套书围绕“生态文明与河流伦理”这一主题,共同研究探讨河流开发与保护、流域生态构建、水资源可持续利用等重大问题。 本届论坛与前三届黄河国际论坛相比,内容更为丰富、形式更为多样,不仅全方位展示出中国水利和黄河流域管理所取得的成就,还将就河流管理的焦点、难点问题进行深入探讨,以期建立更为广泛的国际合作和交流机制。 本套书共分五册,为英文版。


暂缺《Proceedings of the 4th International Yellow River Forum on Ecological Civiliza》作者简介


Volume Ⅰ
Keynote Speeches
River Ethics
The Flow and Sediment Transport Coupling Regulation on the Yellow River
The Effect Analysis of Water Regulation for the Yellow River Estuary Delta Ecosystem
Researches and Practices on River Ethics, Ecological Civilization and Keeping Healthy Life of the Yellow River
Experiences with Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in the Netherlands
Strategies and Scientific Issues for the Yellow River Management
Promoting Sustainable River Basin Development through Ecosystem - based IRBM Approach
The "Harmony between the Heaven and Human" and the Ecological Protection of Yellow River
Simulation of Soil Erosion in the Yellow River Basin
River Ethics Oriented to Ecological Civilization
A. Social and Environmental Impact of Climate Change
Climate Change: Future Water Resources of the Yellow River
Forecasting of Climate Changes in the 21st Century and its Influences on River Basin Planning
Developing Integrated Basin Information Systems: Improving Knowledge of Water
Resources, Environments and their Uses is Necessary for Decision -making and for Sustainable Management
Yellow River Breaking into Huai River and Huang - Huai Plain Environment Evolution
Impact of Climate Change on Floods in Bengawan Solo River Basin, Indonesia and its Adaptation and Mitigation Measures
Hydrologic Effects of Climate and Land Use Change in the Wudinghe River Basin
Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Hydro -climate Regimes of the Yellow River
Study on Water Resources Allocation Scheme for Yellow River Basin
Groundwater Artificial Recharge Solutions for Integrated Management of Watersheds and
Aquifer Systems under Extreme Drought Scenarios
Forecasting of Water Level of Qinghai Lake Basing on Statistics Downscaling from Climatic Model
Lake Chad: A Study of a Drying Freshwater Body
The Study on Economic Operation of Well Groups in Water Source Areas along the Lower Yellow River
Development of Flood Monitoring, Forecasting and Warning Technologies in the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine
Impact of Climate Change and Economic Development on Water Scarcity in Haihe River Basin
An Integrated Distributed - Hydrologic and Watershed - Management Model:
A Case Study in the Heshni River Watershed of Southern China
The Statistic Analysis on Extreme Air Temperature of Some Cities in the Middle Yellow River Basin
B. Climate Change and Sustainable Water Resources Management
Volume Ⅱ
Volume Ⅲ
Volume Ⅳ
Volume Ⅴ
