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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学预防医学、卫生学传染病的建模与动力学(2版)



定 价:¥59.00

作 者: 马知恩,周义仓,吴建宏 主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 现代应用数学丛书
标 签: 卫生学


ISBN: 9787040247572 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 243 字数:  


  《传染病的建模与动力学》由马知恩等人编,《传染病的建模与动力学》为精装,共343页。This book provides a systematic introduction to the fundamental methods and techniques and the frontiers of-along with many new ideas and results oninfectious disease modeling,parameter estimation and transmission dynamics.it provides complementary approaches.from deterministic to statistical to network modeling;and it seeks viewpoints of the same issues from different angles,from mathematical modeling to statisticaI analysis to computer simulations and finally to concrete applications.PrefaceZhien Ma:Some Recent Results on Epidemic Dynamics Obtained by OurGroupFred Brauer,Jianhong Wu:Modeling SARS.West Nile Virus,Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases:A CanadianTeam’sAdventure.




Zhien Ma: Some Recent Results on Epidemic Dynamics Obtained by Our Group
Fred Brauer, Jianhong Wu: Modeling SARS, West Nile Virus, Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Canadian Team's Adventure
Julien Arino: Diseases in Metapopulations
Fred Brauer. Modeling the Start of a Disease Outbreak
Troy Day: Mathematical Techniques in the Evolutionary Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Zhilan Fcng, Dashun Xu, Haiyun Zhao: The Uses of Epidemiological Models in the Study of Disease Control
John W. Glasser, Maureen Birmingham: Assessing the Burden of Congenital Rubella Syndrome and Ensuring Optimal Mitigation via Mathematical Modeling
Thanate Dhirasakdanon, Horst R. Thieme: Persistence of Vertically Transmitted Parasite Strains which Protect against More Virulent Horizontally Transmitted Strains
Ying-Hen Hsieh: Richards Model: A Simple Procedure for Real-time Prediction of Outbreak Severity
James Watmough: The Basic Reproduction Number and the Final Size of an Epidemic
K.P. Hadeler. Epidemic Models with Reservoirs
Hongbin Guo, Michael Y. Li, Zhisheng Shuai: Global Stability in Multigroup Epidemic Models
Wendi Wang: Epidemic Models with Time Delays
Shenghai Zhang: A Simulation Approach to Analysis of Antiviral Stockpile Sizes for Influenza Pandemic
Peter Buck, Rongsong Liu, Jiangping Shuai, Jianhong Wu, Huaiping Zhu: Modeling and Simulation Studies of West Nile Virus in Southern Ontario Canada
