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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 王莹,杜文贤 主编
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787564030698 出版时间: 2010-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 253 字数:  


  《大学英语综合教程》是一套供普通高等学校使用的英语教材,由多年奋斗在教学一线、熟知高校英语教学规律的教师共同编写完成。 《大学英语综合教程》共三册,本书为第一册。本册共有10个单元。每单元包括“说(Open Your Mouth)、听(Cheer up Your Ears)、读(Brighten Your Eyes)、写(Loose Your Hands)和趣味小版块(Relax Your Mind)”五部分。各单元内容紧扣同一交际主题展开,强调听、说、读、写、译技能的综合培养。注重课堂活动的目的性和可操作性,增强学生的语言应用能力。注重题材的真实性、科学性、时效性、多样性和趣味性,从深层次激发学生的学习热情和兴趣。各环节设计科学、实际,难度和内容与高校学生的英语水平高度契合。




Unit 1 College Life
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 The Key to a Freshman in College
Passage 2 My Fh'st Year of College
Extra Reading The Teaching Methods in American Colleges
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Noun
Applied Writing Business Card
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 2 Family and Friends
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 True Friendship
Passage 2 The Changing American Family
Extra Reading Our Parents
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Preposition & Article
Applied Writing Greeting Card (I)
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 3 Communications
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 The Importance of Cell Phones in Modem Society
Passage 2 A Smaller World
Extra Reading Safe or Harmful?
Section Four, Loose Your Hands
Grammar Pronoun
Applied Writing Greeting Card (II)
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 4 Food Culture
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 Garlic -- Your Healthy Food
Passage 2 Pay Attention to the Food You Eat
Extra Reading Food and Face
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Tense (I)
Applied Writing Invitation Letter
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 5 Shopping
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 Mall of America
Passage 2 Holiday Shopping on the Job? Call It "Cyber Monday"
Extra Reading Saving People Money So They Can Live Better
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Tense (II)
Applied Writing Answering an Invitation Card
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 6 Sports
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 Sports and Health
Passage 2 My Favorite Sport
Extra Reading Olympics
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Tense (III)
Applied Writing Note
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 7 Advertisements
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 Does Post Card Advertising Really Work?
Passage 2 Get a Good Buy
Extra Reading Ads
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Modal Verb
Applied Writing Personal Ad
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 8 Weather
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 The Lost Homeland
Passage 2 Natural Disasters
Extra Reading Influences of Weather on People
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Numeral & There be Clause
Applied Writing Merchandise-Selling Advertisement
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 9 Health
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 Be Alert to Online Medical Information
Passage 2 Keep away from Lead
Extra Reading Being a Victim of My Own Cleverness
Section Four, Loose Your Hands
Grammar Passive Voice
Applied Writing Direction for Medicine Administration
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 10 Hobbies
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Passage 1 British Children Are Encouraged to Read More
Passage 2 A Well-Balanced Life
Extra Reading Several Ways to Get Financial Aid at U. S. Colleges
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Grammar Direct Speech & Indirect Speech
Applied Writing Flight Schedule & Train Schedule
Section Five Relax Your Mind
I. Glossary
II. Phrases and Expressions
III. Phonetics
