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定 价:¥14.00

作 者: 伍巧芳 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材

ISBN: 9787301168219 出版时间: 2010-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 115 字数:  






Unit 1 Corporate Culture
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: About Management Worldwide Ltd.
  Listening 2: About IKEA
  Listening 3: About IKEA (continued)
  Listening 4: Briefing on Some Companies' Corporate Culture
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: The NEW GE Corporate Culture
Unit 2 Interview
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Dialogue 1
  Listening 2: Dialogue 2
  Listening 3: Passage-Making a Good Impression
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Getting an Interview
Unit 3 Job and Career
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Why They Like Their Jobs
  Listening 2: How They View Their Jobs
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: What I Like About My Job
Unit 4 Entrepreneurs
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: What Do You Need to Be an Entrepreneur?
  Listening 2: Emerging Market Pioneer--Jack Ma
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: A Radio Interview
Unit 5 Making Arrangements
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Arranging a Conference
  Listening 2: Confirming Conference Arrangements
  Listening 3: Arranging for a Business Trip
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Asad's Schedule
Unit 6 Business Traveling
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Security Check; Major Responsibility of a Secretary
  Listening 2: Checking in to a Hotel
  Listening 3: Attending a Trade Show
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Welcoming Visitors
Unit 7 Business Visit and Entertainment
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Booking Tickets
  Listening 2: Arranging a Visit
  Listening 3: First Visit
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Business Meals and Dining Out
Unit 8 Business Meetings
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: A Meeting on Cutting the Budget
  Listening 2: Arrangement of a Sales Conference
  Listening 3: A Conference on Carrying out a New Plan
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: A Meeting on Solving Problems
Unit 9 Presentation
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Product Presentation
  Listening 2: First Day at JPC
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Business Knowledge
Unit 10 Business Negotiations
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Negotiation: Getting Started
  Listening 2: Negotiation: Bargaining
  Listening 3: Negotiation: Closing the Deal
 Part C Video Clip: "I Quit" Position in Negotiations
 Part D Home Listening: An Interview: Negotiation Strategy
Unit 11 Advertising and Marketing
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Analyzing Techniques of Advertising
  Listening 2: How McDonald's Revolutionized Marketing 30 Years Ago
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Reebok Launches Ad Campaign
Unit 12 Solving Problems
 Part A Getting Started
 Part B Listening Tasks
  Listening 1: Delivery Problem
  Listening 2: Settling Claims
  Listening 3: Negotiation Tips
 Part C Video Clip
 Part D Home Listening: Interview with an Negotiation Expert
