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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高职高专英语泛读教程(第三册)



定 价:¥17.00

作 者: 朱曦 主编
出版社: 苏州大学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787811373653 出版时间: 2009-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 164 字数:  






Unit 1 Job Hunting
 Topic-based reading
  1. Factors in Choosing an Occupation
  2. Keys to Job Search Success
  3. Job Applications Online
  4. Looking for a Job
 Test reading
 Career Planning
 Moment of fun
 Job Application
Unit 2 Interview
 Topic-based reading
  1. How to Prepare a Resume
  2. Selection Interview
  3. How Average People Succeed
  4. Behavioral/Competency-based Interviews
 Test reading
 A Letter of Job-Application
 Moment of fun
 Job Interview
Unit 3 Work and Improvement
 Topic-based reading
  1. How to Start a Conversation?
  2. How to Behave in the Office?
  3. Is He an Abusive Boss?
  4. Teamwork or Individual Efforts?
 Test reading
 The Influenza Virus
 Moment of fun
Unit 4 Career Life
 Topic-based reading
  1. The Passions for Work
  2. Setting a Goal
  3. To Make Your Work Successful
  4. Career Panic
 Test reading
 Suggestions on Filling in Application Forms
 Moment of fun
 A Fine Match
Unit 5 Personal Finance
 Topic-based reading
  1. What Are Some Good Ways to Invest Money?-Plan Ahead for the Future
  2. How to Invest Money-Stocks and Bonds
  3. Where a Surety Bond Is Needed
  4. Bond Investing-ls It a Safer Place for Your Money?
 Test reading
 The Capital Demand for Trading Companies
 Moment of fun
 The Korean War Is Over
Unit 6 Changing Consumption Patterns
 Topic-based reading
  1. New Consumption Attitude
  2. Hong Kong-A Shopping Paradise
  3. How to Save Money
  4. Plan for Your Future
 Test reading
 How to Read
 Moment of fun
 A Student's Request for Extra Money
Unit 7 Hello, Year 2008
 Topic-based reading
  1. Pepsi Bets Big in China
  2. Yahoo Appoints Bartz as Its New CEO
  3. Celebration of Obama's Victory
  4. Effect of the Financial Crisis
 Test reading
 Healthy Development of the Dutch-Chinese Relation
 Moment of fun
 The Captain's Parrot
Unit 8 Life and Death
 Topic-based reading
  1. Life and Death Decisions
  2. The Doctors Who Are Redefining Life and Death
  3. Life and Death
  4. Life after Death
 Test reading
 Asian Americans
 Moment of fun
 Great Event
