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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语传媒英语热点阅读(第四册)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 林俊伟 主编
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787564120559 出版时间: 2010-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 221 字数:  


  传媒英语(Media English)为专门用途英语(English for specific Purpose)的一种,其主要功能是通过不同主题的选材,为读者的多元观点和思考空间提供元素,并借此加深学习者对于新闻传媒专业的理解,提高他们运用专业语言的能力。在全球化的大趋势下,具备良好的专业英语素质显然是一个具有国际视野、有开拓性想和前瞻性的传媒从业人员的必备前提。《传媒英语热点阅读(第4册)》共四册,主要面向传媒院校学生、传媒从业人员、从事跨国贸易或其他具有与国外交流行业背景的人员。编者们力图使《传媒英语热点阅读(第4册)》具备下列特色:1.创新教材编写思路。编者们拟尽其所能将每年7月1日至12月31日间由全球主流传媒机构报道或评论的世界热点话题加以理性选择,分门别类,编辑成第二、第四册,供春季学期使用;将每年1月1日至6月30日的热点话题编辑成第一、第三册,供秋季学期使用。每年修订一版,与时俱进。2.提供全球视野。编者们以为培养英语学习者的跨文化意识以及全球视野比传授语言知识更重要。井底之蛙,恐成夜郎自大笑柄。《传媒英语热点阅读(第4册)》每册含有10个单元,每单元有3篇文章,从不同视角谈论相关话题,见仁见智。文章主要出自英、美两国、亚洲、非洲和南美洲的主流媒体,其作者有前联合国秘书长、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、美国等国的财政部长、知名研究机构专家、新闻评论员、名记者、专栏作家等。3.习得时代英语。编者们相信媒体的语言最能体现时代特色,也具有时代文化符号意义。编者们希望与《传媒英语热点阅读(第4册)》有缘的人能耐心地阅读喜欢的文章,积累热点词汇,一鸣惊人。




Unit One Arts and Culture
Section A 100 Publishers from 48 African CountriesUnit Six Economy
Section A The Road Ahead for Asla ' s Economies
Section B Argentina Falters as Old Rlval Rlses
Section C China Will Take a Generation to Catch Up with the West
Unit Two Entertainment and Trends
Section A Lady Goga's Black Berry Tweets
Section B High Fashion Faces a Redefining Moment
Section C Big Business of Selling Celebrity Secrets
Unit Three Environment
Section A Climate All Wrong for Politlcal Games
Section B This Is Bigger Than Climate Ghange. It is a Battle to Redefine Humanity
Section C Oopenhagen Climate Conference Glossary
Unit Four Sports
Section A RIo de Janelro to Host 2016 Olympics
Section B What Makes a Good Olympic Sport?
Section C Golf & Rugby Voted Into Olympics
Unit Five Health
Section A If You Want to Stay Slim and Fit, Ghoose Your Friends CareFully
Section B Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency
Section C Breast Cancer Patlents Advised to Consider Options
Unit Six Economy
Section A The Road Ahead for Asla ' s Economies
Section B Argentina Falters as Old Rlval Rlses
Section C China Will Take a Generation to Catch Up with the West
Unit Seven Society and Life
Section A For Car Buyers, the Brand Romance Is Gone
Section B White House Opens Web Site Coding to Public
Section C Under Las Vegas: Tunnels Stretch for Miles
Unit Eight Politics
Section A Barack 0bama and the Nobel Peace Prize Even Greater Expectetlons
Section B Think Again, G20 Sceptics
Section C Misslle Defense COUld Be the Silver Bullet
Unit Nine Travel
Section A Vacationing In LOVely... North Korea?
Section B West Africa : ' Meltdown Takes Toll on Tourism Industry '
Section C Travel on the Cheap When Everyone Else Is In School
Unit Ten Science and Technology
Section A Wallet of the Future? Your Moblle Phone
Section B How Your Brain Tells Time
Section C Impact of New Media Technology on Society Arrive for Media Leaders Summit In Lagos
Section B A Fair Price
Section C Google's Big Book Case
