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基础医学英语(Basic Medical English)

基础医学英语(Basic  Medical  English)

定 价:¥19.80

作 者: 刘丽娟,辛铜川 主编
出版社: 暨南大学出版社
标 签: 医学英语


ISBN: 9787811354638 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 156 字数:  


  In the 15 years of teaching medical English I have frequently felt the pressing need for an appropriate textbook, either practical and effective in a classroom setting or helpful as a self-taughttool for a motivated student with little or no supervision. Sponsored two years ago by the TeachingAffairs Department of Jinan University, the textbook "Basic Medical English" has finally comeinto being, with its mission to provide the basics of medical language for medical students.This book, developed from teaching experience, has several features that distinguish it fromother textbooks in that a comprehensive introduction to the formation of medical terminology, andvarious examples and supporting exercises that are practical and helpful, are provided for both theinstructor and the student.


暂缺《基础医学英语(Basic Medical English)》作者简介


Chapter One A Brief Introduction to Medical Terminology
Chapter Two Formation of Medical Terminology (I)
Chapter Three Formation of Medical Terminology (II)
Chapter Four Pronunciation and Plural Forms of Medical Terms
Chapter Five Human Body Structure
Chapter Six The Integumentary System
Chapter Seven The Museuloskeletal System
Chapter Eight The Cardiovascular System
Chapter Nine The Respiratory System
Chapter Ten The Digestive System
Chapter Eleven The Nervous System
Chapter Twelve The Urinaary and Male Reproductive System
Chapter Thirteen The Female Reproductive System and Obstetrics
Chapter Fourteen The Endocrine System
Chapter Fifteen The Blood and Lymphatic System
