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定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 张万喜,冉秀霞 编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787562451471 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 182 字数:  






Unit 1
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A World Tourism Organization
Text B Quality Criteria of Tourism
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 2
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Travel Agency
Text B Deposit the Luggage at the Airport
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 3
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A A Hotel
Text B Guest Security
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 4
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Chinese Cuisine
Text B Southern Chinese Cuisine
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 5
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Chinese Festivals
Text B Western Festivals
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 6
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Buddhism
Text B Western Religions
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 7
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Chinese Folk Dresses
Text B Chinese Folk Songs
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 8
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A The Great Wall
Text B The Summer palace
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 9
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Means of Transport
Text B Taking the Subway
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Unit 10
Special Terms
Section 1 Listening and Talking
Section 2 Texts
Text A Shopping in Travelling
Text B Significant Tourist Souvenir
Section 3 Practical Writing
Section 4 Reading and Enjoying
Famous Scenic Spots in China
The Main Travel Agencies in China
