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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语老外学汉语儿童趣味中文1



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 吴德安,胡龙华 主编
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
标 签: 对外汉语


ISBN: 9787561922187 出版时间: 2008-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 100 字数:  


  《儿童趣味中文1》主要内容是Easy Chinese for Kids is designed for elementary students with no Chinese background. It focuses first on listening and speaking, and then on reading and writing to effectively improve students overall communication skills. The introduction to Pinyin at the beginning of this book helps young children learn to pronounce and understand Chinese correctly. Ten lessons in the textbook, which can also be taught separately from the Pinyin lessons, teach students Chinese words on colors, numbers, family members, animals, shapes, food and drinks, telling time etc., while progressing to simple and practical dialogs. Each lesson has colorful images, new words and simple sentences. It is designed in accordance with LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Standards of various states. Please note the Pinyin lessons and textbook can be used independently or as a set.




Section 1 Pinyin:Initials 1
Section 2 Pinyin:Initials 2
Section 3 Pinyin:Initials 3
Section 4 Pinyin:Finals 1
Section 5 Pinyin:Finals 2
Section 6 Pinvin:Finals 3
Section 7 Pinvin:Finals 4
Pinyin Cards
Lesson 1 Greeting 问候
Lesson 2 Family 家
Lesson 3 Numbers 数字
Lesson 4 Colors 颜色
Lesson 5 Shapes 形状
Lesson 6 Animals 动物
Lesson 7 My Day 我的一天
Lesson 8 Food & Drinks 食品和饮料
Lesson 9 Fruit & Vegetales 蔬菜和水果
Lesson 10 Learn & Play 学习和玩儿
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
