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定 价:¥64.00

作 者: 江涛,孟飞 主编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
丛编项: 江涛英语
标 签: 考研英语


ISBN: 9787502175023 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 680 字数:  


  本书将入选的200篇文章根据考研阅读文章常考题材分为社会类、文教类、经济类、科技类和健康类五部分。其中,每篇文章又包含以下三个部分。令我们感到欣慰的是,这套丛书深受考研考生,甚至是广大英语学习爱好者的喜爱。不过也有不少热心读者指出,这几本分册“各自为政”,自己又不方便把几《考研英语阅读题源全集》同时带在身边,难免出现带着这本想看那本的感觉。为了满足部分读者对“大而全”类图书的喜好,我们现特推出合订本,将最受欢迎的The Economist《经济学家》、Newsweek《新闻周刊》、TIME《时代周刊》、The New,York Times《纽约时报》4本分册精编整合为真正的“考研英语阅读题源全集”。




社会类 Social Class
  Passage One Seeds ofHope
  Passage Two TheTruthaboutRecycling
  Passage Three A Capital Idea
  Passage Four Viral and Virtual
  Passage Five A Bit Richer,But a Bit Sicker
  Passage SixLockupYourSons andDaughters
  Passage Seven Emerging Journalism
  Passage Eight AstheWatersRise
  Passage Nine MoreNews fromthe Savannah
  Passage Ten Playing a Strong Hand
  Passage One Troubled Waters
  Passage Two ThirstingforKnowledge
  Passage Three Family Values
  Passage Four Estonia:Under Siege on the Web
  Passage Five Hungry for Change
  Passage Six Family Values and Food Sustainability
  Passage Seven What a Little Fertilizer Can Do
  Passage Eight Wirecutters:State-RunWi-fi
  Passage NineBritishAirways:NotoSurfers
  Passage Ten FightingfortheRightto Dry
  Passage One Deserving ofRespect
  Passage Two A Case ofGender Blues
  Passage Three Poor Among Plenty
  Passage Four The Insurance Climate Change
  Passage Five Financial Planning:Wills and OtherWays
  Passage Six Making Your Grass Greener
  Passage Seven Real Food for Thought
  Passage Eight Smile!You’re an Unwitting Net Star.
  Passage Nine Get Ready to Rumble
  Passage Ten As Kids Grow,So Do Risks
  Passage One Frustration Grows at Carousel As More Baggage Goes Astray
  Passage Two CarBoomPutsEuropeonRoadto a Smoggy Future
  Passage Three Women Keeping up Pressure for a Better Travel Experience
  Passage Four Parsing the Truths about Visas for Tech Workers
  Passage Five U.S.Database Exposed Thousands of Social SecurityNumbers
  Passage Six Offthe Sheik Opening the On-Ramp for Women
  Passage Seven Link Is Seen Between British Labs and Livestock Virus
  Passage Eight“Kid Nation”Parents Gave Show Free Rein
  Passage Nine Peeking into Cubicles to Find a Wealth ofTech Workers
  Passage Ten Abdicate and Capitulate
文教类 Cutture and Education
  Passage One Practically Irrelevant?
  Passage Two The Father ofthe Man
  Passage Three Schools Unchained
  Passage Four Still Learning
  Passage Five Adventures at the Blackboard
  Passage Six Bae to School
  Passage Seven Bursting Bubbles
  Passage Eight Capital ofCulture
  Passage NineAHardRoadtoHoe
  Passage Ten Chasin'the Trane
  Passage One Built for Speed
  Passage Two The Natural
  Passage Three Making Waves in Tuscany
  Passage Four Technophobia
  Passage Five Moon View
  Passage Six Baseball in Belgium?
  Passage Seven Head Start
  Passage Eight In Slava's Shadow
  Passage Nine Mystery Man
  Passage Ten Into the Light 
  Passage One Movies:Who’s That Guy with Harry Potter?.
  Passage Two Girls Going Mild(er)
  Passage Three The Men of Summer
  Passage Four Fourth-Grade Slump
  Passage Five The Low Cost ofGuitar Heroism
  Passage Six Making a New B.zz
  Passage Seven The Rev.John Foley
  Passage Eight Common
  Passage Nine There's Something about Mary
  Passage Ten Extreme Makeovers
  Passage One ForFrance,VideoGamesAreasArtful as Cinema
  Passage Two For Some Countries,America’s Popular Culture Is Resistible
  Passage Three Brazilian Government Invests in Culture of Hip-Hop
  Passage Four A Classroom ofMonkey Bars and Slides
  Passage Five Teacher Dismissed
  Passage Sixl、,DramasRiptheCoveroffMagazines
  Passage Seven Who’S a Nerd,Anyway?
  Passage Eight A Familiar Set Helps to Create a New Cultural Market
  Passage Nine Survey Reveals Student Attitudes,Parental Goals and Teacher Mistrust
  Passage Ten AmericanCulture'SFrenchConnection
经济类 Economy
  Passage One There's Life in the Old Dog Yet
  Passage Two Past Rites
  Passage Three So Unfair.
  Passage Four Crunch Time
  Passage Five The Bears'Lair
  Passage Six From iPhone to gPhone?
  Passage Seven A Matter ofSovereignty
  Passage Eight Vive la V610mtion!
  Passage Nine The Irish are Coming
  Passage Ten A Turning Point for Detroit
  Passage One TheDigitalCameraFightsforSurvival
  Passage Two TheGoldenYearsRule
  Passage Three Altitude Sickness
