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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 王玉环,(美)沃尔什 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 大学英语立体化网络化系列教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301152485 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 139 字数:  






What is the organization of College Writing 1?
What student competencies are covered in College Writing 1?
What are the features of the Writing books?
Chapter 1 Who Are You?
Writing Assignment 1: Describe yourself
Writing Assignment 2: Describe your classmate
Writing Assignment 3: Describe experiences with tests
Writing Assignment 4: Explain something about college
Writing Assignment 5: Tell your instructor about yourself
Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Learning Styles
Writing Assignment 1: Describe your learning style
Writing Assignment 2: Explore learning strategies
Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Who Will You Be? Settin9 Goals and Making Decisiens
Writing Assignment 1: Set a specific goal and tell how you will reach it
Writing Assignment 2: Describe the real you
Writing Assignment 3: Make a decisio'n using matrices
Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Balancing Responsibilities
Writing Assignment t : Explain how you manage time
Writing Assignment 2: Describe a worry
Writing Assignment 3: Give advice to a student facing a dilemma
Writing Assignment 4: Explore pros and cons of credit cards
Writing Assignment 5: Conduct a case study analysis with a group
Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Technology and You
Writing Assignment 1: Explore technology in college
Writing Assignment 2: Describe your most useful technology
Writing Assignment 3: Discuss rules for cell phone use
Writing Assignment 4: Send an e-mail message to your instructor
Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 5
