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定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 李正栓,王成云 等主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301154441 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 219 字数:  


  《大学英语实用视听说教程》是普通高等教育国家级规划教材,在原《必胜英语》的基础上,增加了大量听力素材和视频材料,语言地道,练习题型灵活多样,符合英语四六级考试要求。主题丰富实用,源自日常生活,素材均为国外引进,语言生动鲜活,原汁原味。学生从基本的听说训练开始,打牢基础,循序渐进提高听说能力,不断增加英语表达的自信。 本书配套ExamView Pro Test Bank光盘,帮助教师挑选考题,自动生成试卷,自动完成阅卷工作。 本书还配有网络教学系统和视频光盘,为师生提供多种学习方式。




Unit 1 Balancing Your Life
Lesson 1 Where did you use to study?
Lesson 2 What are your goals?
Lesson 3 Obstacles and solutions
Lesson 4 What should I do?
Lesson 5 What is most Important to me?
Lesson 6 My favorite person
Lesson 7 Time management
Unit 2 Personal Finance
Lesson 1 Money in, money out
Lesson 2 Savvy shopper
Lesson 3 What if?
Lesson 4 Charge ill
Lesson 5 Applying for a loan
Lesson 6 How do they pull you in?
Lesson 7 Expressing yourseff
Unit 3 Buying a Home
Lesson 1 The American dream
Lesson 2 Bigger? Better?
Lesson 3 Which one is safe?
Lesson 4 Housing preferences
Lesson 5 A business letter
Lesson 6 Homeownership in the United States
Lesson 7 Step by step
Unit 4 Community
Lesson 1 Your community
Lesson 2 Can you tell me when the library opens?
Lesson 3 Making suggestions
Lesson 4 The public library
Lesson 5 How for is it?
Lesson 6 Volunteering
Lesson 7 Where can we get good French food
Unit 5 Health
Lesson 1 Health habits
Lesson 2 What's the problem?
Lesson 3 What did she say?
Lesson 4 Do you want dental coverage?
Lesson 5 Reading nutrition labels
Lesson 6 Taking two aspirin
Lesson 7 The common cold
Unit 6 Getting Hired
Lesson 1 What skills do you have?
Lesson 2 What does an accountant do?
Lesson 3 Lookin.g for a job
Lesson 4 My job, then and now
Lesson 5 Resume
Lesson 6 Cover letters
Lesson 7 Interviewing
Unit 7 On the Job
Lesson 1 Can I wear this to work?
Lesson 2 The note was written by Jim.
Lesson 3 Taking action
Lesson 4 You speak English, don't you?
Lesson 5 What should you do?
Lesson 6 Women at work
Lesson 7 Asking for a raise
Unit 8 Civic Responsibility
Lesson 1 Responsibilities
Lesson 2 A driver's license
Lesson 3 Jury duty
Lesson 4 Fillng out tax form
Lesson 5 Elections
Lesson 6 Problems in your comnmunily
Lesson 7 What's your plaffom?
