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作 者: 曹杰旺 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 大学英语立体化网络化系列教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301154786 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 179 字数:  


  本书依据《大学英语课程教学要求》,专为英语水平薄弱的学生以及各学校的音体美学生设计编写。每单元的Text B均为音体美方向文章,既可以陶冶情操,又可以让音体美学生熟悉专业英语。本书的文章选材中西兼顾,加入了中国元素部分,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。本书配有光盘、教师用书和网络学习系统。




Unit 1
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A My Greatest Olympic Prize
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Extreme Sports
Unit 2
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A Art Fairs Are Not Supermarkets
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Dragon Dance
Unit 3
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A Six Celebrities Share What They've Learned
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Talking to Your Parents
Unit 4
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A Ways of Handling Stress
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Stress
Unit 5
 Part I  Preparatory
Part II Language in Context
  Text A A Brief History of Pop Music
Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Music and Health
Unit 6
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A How We Are Being Americanized
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B Americanization or Globalization
Unit 7
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A Confucius
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B History and Modem Technology Unite in the Mogao Grottoes
Unit 8
 Part I  Preparatory
 Part II Language in Context
  Text A War on Terrorism
 Part III Toward Productive Language
  Text B The History of Instruments
