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作 者: 司显柱,杨汝福,贾莉 等主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301154175 出版时间: 2009-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 164 字数:  






Unit 1 Everyday Life
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 How is the weather today?
Lesson 3 Kenji Nakamura's family
Lesson 4 Family relationships
Lesson 5 Kenji's class
Lesson 6 Time
Lesson 7 Gilberto's calendar
Unit 2 Time to Go Shopping
Lesson 1 Shopping for clothes
Lesson 2 How much is it?
Lesson 3 U.S. money
Lesson 4 What do they wear in winter?
Lesson 5 What are they wearing?
Lesson 6 Advertisements
Lesson 7 What to wear for work and school
Unit 3 Food and Nutrition
Lesson 1 What do you eat?
Lesson 2 Augustin's restaurant
Lesson 3 At the supermarket
Lesson 4 How much do we need?
Lesson 5 The nutrition pyramid
Lesson 6 Augustin's family
Lesson 7 Making a shopping list
Unit 4 Housing
Lesson 1 Finding a place to live
Lesson 2 Opening a bank account
Lesson 3 Describing a home
Lesson 4 Where do you live?
Lesson 5 At the rental agent's office
Lesson 6 Choosing furniture for your home
Lesson 7 Themove!
Unit 5 Our Community
Lesson 1 Gelting around town
Lesson 2 Where's the supermarket?
Lesson 3 It's next to the library
Lesson 4 Finding your way
Lesson 5 What's the number?
Lesson 6 Waiting for Marie
Lesson 7 At the post office
Unit 6 Health
Lesson 1 A healthy life
Lesson 2 What's the matter?
Lesson 3 Calling for an appointment
Lesson 4 Going to the doctor
Lesson 5 Dial 911
Lesson 6 Over-the-counter medicines
Lesson 7 The doctor's advice
Unit 7 Work, Work, Work
Lesson 1 What is a good student?
Lesson 2 What is your job?
Lesson 3 Help wanted
Lesson 4 Applying for a job
Lesson 5 A job interview
Lesson 6 A second interview
Lesson 7 How does it work?
Unit 8 Goals and Lifelong Learning
Lesson 1 What are your goals?
Lesson 2 Education in the United States
Lesson 3 Workplace goals
Lesson 4 What is success?
Lesson 5 My goals
Lesson 6 How to find help
Lesson 7 Lifelong learning
